In the realities of post-war recovery of Ukrainian society, the processing industry will be of particular importance, as the products of processing enterprises will be of paramount importance for the reconstruction of destroyed industrial and civil infrastructure, fixed and working capital of business entities, and the restoration of natural ecosystems. The main driving force in the development of the above-mentioned enterprises will be their personnel, which in the context of digitalisation is turning into a strategic factor of production. The above raises a number of issues, among which a special place is occupied by the problem of motivating employees to effectively use their competence potential in the context of digitalisation, and, in particular, its assessment. The article is aimed at substantiating and developing the theoretical and methodological foundations for assessing the level of motivation of the staff of processing industry enterprise to effectively use its competence potential in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, it is proposed to formalise the theoretical developments in the form of a structural model for assessing the level of motivation of the staff of processing industry enterprise to effectively use its competence potential, based on determining the potential ability of staff to fulfil its mission (in terms of three categories, in particular, management staff, professionals and specialists, workers) and determining the determinants of staff motivation. To interpret the results obtained, it is proposed to use a scale for assessing the impact of motivators on the level of staff motivation to effectively use the competence potential, which will ensure the transition from quantitative to qualitative assessment and will allow to assess the level of motivation of employees of processing industry enterprises to effectively use their capabilities for the benefit of the enterprise. In the course of the study, general scientific research methods were used. The methods of system analysis, generalisation, cross-comparison, induction and deduction were used to identify the object of research as a stage of building a structural model for assessing the level of motivation of the personnel of a processing industry enterprise to effectively use its competence potential. The method of expert assessments is proposed to be used in determining the potential capabilities of an employee for the effective use of competence potential and assessing the share of motivation factors. The economic and statistical methods are proposed to be used in the scoring of motivation factors at the final stage of building the presented model. The practical value of the results of the study is related to the possibility of their use in making managerial decisions on hiring and re-certification of employees, as well as the development of a motivational policy to stimulate the effective use of the competence potential of the personnel of processing industry enterprises in the context of digitalisation of the Ukrainian economy.
How to Cite
competence potential, structural model for assessing motivation to work, motivation, motive, incentive
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