The ongoing instability of Ukraine within the global political and economic arenas has resulted in an escalation of criminal activity within the nation. The aim of this research is to study economic crime under martial law in Ukraine and to develop effective ways of preventing it. The paper presents a systematic analysis of the state of research on economic crime under martial law in Ukraine, topical issues of economic crime prevention and its methodological tools. The dearth of research into the challenges of preventing economic crime under martial law in Ukraine, coupled with the absence of efficacious measures to address these issues, underscores the imperative for a comprehensive enhancement of the legislative framework for preventing economic crime. Consequently, the prevailing national security and defence strategy falls short in ensuring the alignment of the Ukrainian security sector with the scientific and practical imperatives. A substantial proportion of economic crime under martial law in Ukraine is latent crime, primarily attributable to two factors. Firstly, the victim's reluctance to report crimes is predominantly influenced by circumstances that are beyond their control. Secondly, and more commonly, victims are unable to report crimes committed against them, predominantly in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The study of the state and trends of economic crime demonstrated a marked increase in the number of economic crimes, particularly fraud, during periods of martial law.
How to Cite
economic crime, martial law in Ukraine, crime under martial law, crime prevention, fraud
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