

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Vira Vartsaba

  Halyna Leshuk


The theoretical and methodological principles for assessing the investment attractiveness of the regions are the subject of the research. The aims of the research consist in improving the existing approach for measuring the level of investment attractiveness of territorial systems in the direction of taking into account the possible multicollinearity and determining the share of investment attractiveness factors in the aggregate indicator on the basis of calculated values of determination coefficients, which respectively provide to distinguish the priority directions in the formation of regional investment policy aimed at raising the level of investment attractiveness of regions of Ukraine. Methodology. The article deals with the research of theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of investment attractiveness of Ukrainian regions by means of general scientific methods of analysis: systematization and generalization, induction, deduction. Results. To assess the investment climate in the regions of Ukraine, an improved existing approach for measuring the level of investment attractiveness of territorial systems is proposed in the direction of taking into account possible multicollinearity and determining the share of factors of investment attractiveness, which is based, in particular, on the selected indicators, in particular: the volume of direct foreign investments per capita (FORINV); per capita net exports (NETEXP); the number of economically active enterprises per 10 000 population (ENTRP); volumes of industrial production (PROM); population income (REV); volume of retail trade turnover per capita (TOV); volume of completed construction work (BUD). It is proved that the priority and intensity of influence on the indicator of investment into fixed capital per capita of factors of investment attractiveness varies for different regions of Ukraine, therefore, according to the conducted analysis, the investment attractiveness of the researched regions are determined by such factors as the volume of direct foreign investments per capita, the volume of net exports per capita, the number of economically active enterprises per 10 000 population, volumes of industrial production, population income, and volume of completed construction work. The dynamics of values of general indicators of investment attractiveness for five regions of Western Ukraine are determined, which allowed substantiating the absence of a stable positive tendency in any of the regions to change the values of the general indicator of investment attractiveness, as well as establishing the existence of negative trends accumulation in the formation of investment attractiveness factors, which leads to a decrease of indicators of volumes of foreign investments per capita and volumes of investments in fixed capital per capita during the researched period. Practical significance. The use of the proposed approach made it possible to obtain competitive, scientifically substantiated results, which could become a methodological basis in the process of planning and practical implementation of the measures to create the investment attractiveness of regions and their territorial systems. The possibility of identifying the priority areas of influence on factors of investment attractiveness in order to increase the volume of investments attraction into the regional economic system is the determining positive side of the proposed approach.

How to Cite

Vartsaba, V., & Leshuk, H. (2017). EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS INDICATORS OF REGIONS IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-5-38-44
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investment attractiveness, region, evaluation, indicators.


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