The subject of this work is the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development in Ukraine, which is based on ensuring national interests and fulfilling international obligations, it is envisaged to overcome imbalances that exist, in particular, in the environmental sphere, the harmonisation of global climate change trends with international standards through the introduction of scientific aspects of organic soybean production. The objective of the present study is to analyse the global soybean market and ascertain its particular significance within the global production of oil crops. This analysis will establish the sustainable soybean production zone in non-irrigated regions and the guaranteed production zone. The research methodology is based on European experience, taking into account the theoretical and methodological provisions of the scientific aspects of organic soybean production in Ukraine. The aim of this methodology is to greening agriculture, soil conservation and rational use of bioecosystems. It has been found that the rational use of natural resources through the organic production of soybeans, through the development and implementation of bio-organic farming technologies, improves the culture of agriculture, restores and improves soil fertility, and increases the amount of available protein products and nutritious fodder. The findings of the research indicate that the organic matter present in the soil functions as a vital indicator of its fertility. It plays a pivotal role in the nutritional sustenance of plants, the establishment of favourable physicochemical properties, and the migration of diverse chemical elements. The most significant soil processes are predominantly associated with the enhancement of the agricultural sector. It has been proven that a genuine source of organic matter for enhancing soil fertility is the development of organic models of soybean cultivation technology. Consequently, the substantiation of its agrobiological potential in selected areas of sustainable production on non-irrigated land will ensure the territorial transformation of the "soybean belt". A new stage in the production of soybean crops is substantiated, which will contribute to the rational use of hydrothermal resources of the region, increase the gross production of soybean seeds, biologisation of agriculture, and production of high-quality, environmentally friendly products.
How to Cite
soybean, organic farming, soil fertility, soybean belt, gross production
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