

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Viktoriia Kolomiiets

  Liudmila Golovkova


In the current conditions of transformation of traditional institutes and institutions and formation of a new institutional state, the institutional content of human capital as the most valuable resource of the economy changes. Along with the existing research, the transformation of the old institutional system and the emergence of new institutes and institutions require an analysis of the updated institutional content of the human capital of the national economy. The purpose of the paper – to reveal the institutional content of the human capital of the national economy. In the process of work, the following tasks are set and solved: to study economic and institutional conditions of functioning of human capital, to determine the material content of human capital in the context of institutionalism and the process of institutionalization of human capital. Methodology. A methodological basis is a dialectical approach. To study the institutional content of human capital, abstract-logical and systemstructural methods are used. Results. Economic conditions for the formation and functioning of human capital are determined by the instability of the economic situation in Ukraine caused by the fall in the gross domestic product, the inappropriate growth of prices and wages, inflation, and military-political confrontation. Institutional conditions of Ukraine accumulate the following components: those that remained from the previous regimes; transformed components, imported components. The large financial capital, business structures, shadow economy, public sector of the country interact on a fundamentally different institutional basis. The main factor characterizing the institutional development of our country is the uncertainty of limits of institutionalization. The essential institutional conditions for the functioning of human capital are also the absence of a positive or negative experience of existence, coexistence of certain institutions in a certain economy of the country. The institutional content of the human capital of the national economy depends directly on the established institutional system of a particular country, its development. Human capital is the embodiment of the individual’s ability to generate income, the amount of abilities, knowledge, qualifications, and skills of an individual employee. Human capital can be defined as a synthesis of components of human capital in the manufacturing sector, the research sector, in the education sector. Human capital is limited in its actions by the institutional structure of society. The institutional environment of the human capital of the national economy is made of determined rules, norms, and institutions. The close interaction of components of institutional environment must not only occur for the development and efficient functioning of the human capital of the national economy, but its existence is determined by the natural existence of the institutional environment. For the national economy of the country, institutional influence manifests itself as a result of the action of a certain institutional system of human capital and its actual ability to produce a gross product. The unpredictability of human behaviour and actions, which is primarily related to its psychology, causes considerable difficulties in the process of institutionalization of human capital. Therefore, the institutionalization of the environment threatens opportunism on the part of human capital. Practical implications. The theoretical research should be the basis for the formation of the state policy in the field of human capital management of the national economy, development of a strategy for human capital development, the basis for further research. Value/originality. The theoretical study is performed personally by the authors of the scientific article.

How to Cite

Kolomiiets, V., & Golovkova, L. (2017). THE INSTITUTIONAL CONTENT OF THE HUMAN CAPITAL OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 289-293.
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institutes, institutions, institutional content, human capital, national economy.


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