

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Eugene Podorozhnyi

  Dmytro Sirokha

  Pavlo Komirchyi


The aim of the article is to evaluate the state of legal institutionalization of the OTC foreign exchange market in Ukraine, as well as its comparison with the foreign experience of legal regulation of OTC currency relations in Ukraine and EU countries. The subject of the study is the legal and administrative framework for the functioning of the OTC currency market (Forex) in Ukraine and in the EU countries. The methodology of the study consists of: historical and legal method, which allowed determining the preconditions for the emergence of OTC markets in Ukraine and the world and the principles of their functioning; system and structural method, which was used to analyse the world monetary system as an institutional and functional form of organization of international monetary and financial relations; a formal legal method that allowed us to comprehensively investigate a condition of regulation of the functioning of Forex in Ukraine, to identify its shortcomings, gaps, contradictions, and miscalculations, as well as to develop recommendations aimed at their elimination; a comparative and legal method that provided a deeper study of the specifics of the legal regulation of the functioning of Forex in the EU and to define ways of implementing a positive foreign experience in the national legal system. The results of the conducted legal study have shown that in Ukraine, the Forex market operates in legal vacuum conditions that negatively affect either the protection of the rights of forex clients or the amount of tax revenues to the state budget. The most acceptable way to eliminate this shortcoming is to implement the main principles and requirements of the MiFID in the national legislation. Practical impact. The research of experience of EU countries regarding the legal regulation of Forex companies activity and also regarding the creation of legal bases for implementation by the specified companies of self-regulation – it is a necessary condition of further improvement of the legal regulation of the OTC currency relations in Ukraine. Correlation/Authenticity. The mentioned directions of improvement of domestic legislation in the field of the functioning of the OTC currency market (Forex) are the most promising at the modern stage of development of the domestic economy. It is so because they are aimed at ensuring stability, reliability, and efficiency of the financial system, strengthening the guarantees of the rights of private investors, and increasing tax revenues from the activities of forex companies.

How to Cite

Podorozhnyi, E., Sirokha, D., & Komirchyi, P. (2017). THE PROBLEM OF LEGAL REGULATION OF THE OPERATION OF THE OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC) CURRENCY MARKET (FOREX) IN UKRAINE AND THE EU. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 367-375.
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currency market, currency system, forex, forex trading company.


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