

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Svitlana Syrtseva

  Olga Melnyk


The purpose of the paper is a justification of roles and identifying areas of improving the functioning of innovation infrastructure that will boost innovation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodical basis of the study consists of general scientific cognition methods of economic phenomena and processes. Realization of the work tasks required such methods: theoretical generalization method – during study of scientific papers, legislative and regulatory acts; abstract logical method – to summarize theoretical and methodological provisions, as well as define the research goal; system approach method – identifying areas for improving the functioning of the innovation infrastructure of Ukrainian agrarian sector. Results. Found that in modern development conditions, a network of innovative structures that would provide infrastructure support for innovation development in the agricultural sector should be represented by such institutions as: agricultural innovation clusters, science parks, business incubators, venture funds, advisory services. Taking into account the international experience of the main institutions of infrastructural maintenance of innovative development, suggested areas of improvement and optimization of their formation and functioning to ensure innovation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Proved that the formation of agricultural innovation regional clusters should be represented by the following stages: a preliminary analysis and identifying promising areas and productions; selection of the cluster members; the strategic planning stage; setting goals and objectives; work scheduling of the cluster members in order to implement strategies; control over the execution of the approved programs and projects. Taking into account the global model of organization of advisory services, determined that the development of agricultural advisory system should be implemented through extension services, organized at the agricultural universities that provide links with rural youth, agricultural enterprises, and scientific organizations. Proved, that two groups of methods – direct and indirect – should represent the most important directions of the state policy on the development of venture investments of innovative development of the agricultural sector. Value/originality. The formation and functioning of the optimal system of institutes of innovation infrastructure with the help of appropriate tools and methods will promote the active introduction of innovations in the agrarian sector of the economy and bring it to a qualitatively new level of development.

How to Cite

Syrtseva, S., & Melnyk, O. (2017). INFRASTRUCTURE ACTIVATION OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN AGRARIAN SECTOR. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 400-406.
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innovative development, infrastructure, agrarian sector, science park, business incubator, innovation cluster.


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