

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Darya Trachova


The purpose of the paper is a generalization of state protectionism measures concerning the depreciation policy formation, which has resulted in economic growth in countries with a stable economy and their adaptation to economic conditions of Ukraine. Methodology. For writing the paper, the grouping and comparison methods were used for the research of business peculiarities of foreign and national enterprises’ operation and their impact on the enterprise depreciation policy formation; abstract-logic one was used during the examination of peculiarities of depreciation policy formation abroad; analysis and synthesis were used for the investigation of impact factors of different state regulation measures on efficiency of assets’ renewal and enterprise depreciation fund use, as well as stimulation of investments in the science and technology progress. Results. State depreciation policy is the basis in investment and innovation process, as well as one of the most important mechanisms for promoting the self-financing policy. In the developed countries, the state policy concerning the accelerated depreciation has become the main tool for economic growth. Depreciation policy reforming has to be conducted within and out of an enterprise simultaneously. Under existing conditions, the enterprise’s depreciation fund formation is impossible at the expense of its own resources. The changes of regulatory support for enterprise activity are necessary for depreciation fund forming. Tax protectionism has to be carried out in two directions: at the expense of profit redistribution before taxation as the special-purpose funding of fixed assets’ renewal as far as enterprise profitability allows and under the condition of the document approved the renewal of manufacturing capacities after the end of operation period. The control over state protectionism implementation regarding the tax heaven and directing funds for innovative renewal of fixed assets has to be carried out with the help of obligatory state accounting statements. Practical implications. Forming their depreciation policy, enterprises need to have direct management concerning their self-sufficiency in forming and using the depreciation fund. The logical one will be the application of intensified control measures over those amounts available at an enterprise after tax exemption by any state protectionism programs on the depreciation fund use for assets’ innovative renewal.

How to Cite

Trachova, D. (2017). ROLE OF STATE PROTECTIONISM IN DEPRECIATION POLICY FORMATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 407-411.
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depreciation policy, accelerated depreciation, innovative development, state regulation.


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