

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Kateryna Chyzhmar

  Vasyl Farynnyk

  Yaroslav Stupnyk


The purpose of the article is a comparative legal analysis of the administrative and legal principles of the functioning of the financial system in Ukraine and European countries. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the state regulation of financial systems in Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Ukraine. Methodology. The research is based on comparing the legal regulation of the financial system in Ukraine and in the EU countries. An analysis of European experience in the administrative regulation of financial systems and financial activity has shown that most European states support the policy of regulating the financial system as a holistic, indivisible phenomenon, gradually moving away from its understanding as a set of separate segments. A significant influence on this issue was made by the European Union, within which there was introduced a combination of the most important functions in the regulation of the EU financial system and entrusting them to a separate group of special bodies. Results of the comparative legal study showed that, unlike most European countries, in Ukraine, the administrative and legal framework for the provision of certain components of the financial sector, in particular, banking, investment, tax and budget, financial services market, etc., are not combined into a single model of state regulation of financial system, but they are scattered. In turn, the lack of a unified legal basis for state regulation of the national financial system in practice creates a situation where such regulation is carried out by a large number of state bodies of varying degrees, whose powers are repeated in some cases, which causes contradictions. Practical implications. It is found that the key difference between the regulation of financial systems in the countries of Europe lies in the very principle of perceiving the role of the state in this process and understanding the content of the financial system as a whole. Financial consolidation and the formation of large financial conglomerates necessitates the replacement of the traditional regulatory paradigm, based on the consideration of the financial system as a set of segregated segments (insurance, banking, stock, etc.), taking into account the interconnectivity of various financial intermediaries. Value/originality. A comparative legal study of the basic principles of the functioning of the financial system in Ukraine and European countries provides a better understanding of the most promising directions of development of the domestic economic system in the context of strengthening the integration and globalization processes in the international financial and commodity markets.

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administrative-legal principles, financial system, state regulation.


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