

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Svitlana Fedulova

  Vitalina Komirna


The purpose of the paper is to find out and identify conceptual approaches to the study of the innovative development of regional socio-economic systems to take into account global requirements for global water security. Methodology. We used in our study traditional and special methods, including: historical and logical method, abstraction and analogy, and system analysis methods. Results. The article deals with the problems of innovative development of regional socio-economic systems. Conceptual approaches to the study of the innovative development of these systems are determined. Theoretical approaches to regionalization are generalized and the regional typology in world regionalism is presented. The study devotes a sufficient attention to the issues of infrastructure support for regional systems, which is a prerequisite for the functioning and development of such systems. The article focuses on the priority of research of such a component of regional infrastructure as engineering and technical infrastructure. The model of regulation of development of regional socio-economic systems on the basis of infrastructure support with the consideration of world requirements of global water security is offered. Practical implications. In recent times, the discussion on the definition of the essence of the concept of “region” is rather lively. The new paradigm of the regional economy represents the region as a variety of spatial systems of various scales. Yes, there are ongoing discussions that under the region can be understood as a group of states and small-sized administrative-territorial units. Despite the important role played by such regional systems in the economy of many countries, this topic in domestic studies is not given with enough attention. Also, in the domestic scientific schools of the regional economy, studies devoted to the problems of patterns and tendencies of the formation and development of regional systems of Ukraine, the solution of which can ensure the formation of a system of management of regional development taking into account national interests, are not sufficiently represented. Value/originality. This problem in the economic literature is investigated by many domestic scientists who devote a lot of attention to the problems of regional development management, including the following: Alymov A. (Libanova, Khvesyk, 2014), Amosha A. (Libanova, Khvesyk, 2014), Burkinsky B. (Libanova, Khvesyk, 2014), Voinarenko M. (Voinarenko, 2011), Danylyshyn B. (Danylyshyn, 2006), Dolishnii M. (Dolishnii, 2001), Vasylenko V. (Vasylenko, 2016), Dubnytskyi V. (Fokina-Mezentseva, 2012), Zakharchenko V. (Zakharchenko, 2013), Kolodynskyi S. (Kolodynskyi, 2011), Libanova E. (Libanova, Khvesyk, 2014), Liashenko V. (Liashenko, 2012), Mykula N. (Tkach, 2012), Novikova O. (Libanova, Khvesyk, 2014), Symonenko V. (Symonenko, 2016), Shevchuk L. (Shevchuk, 2011) and others. An overview of existing theoretical and methodological developments in the field of regional development has shown that significant progress has been made in this field both in foreign and domestic science. However, most of these developments have been made without taking into account the latest macroeconomic processes and trends that set the framework for the strategic planning of the sustainable development of regional systems on the basis of new spatial systems – regional socio-economic systems that can provide a new stage in the development of the old industrial economy of Ukraine.

How to Cite

Fedulova, S., & Komirna, V. (2017). CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO STUDY THE INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 412-420.
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innovation development, regionalization, regional socio-economic systems, water security, infrastructure.


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