

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Mykola Babych

  Anna Kovalenko


The purpose of the paper is to study the current state of food security of Ukraine in order to identify the problem areas forming the system of food security in the country. Methodology. Assessment of the current state of the food security in Ukraine is carried out according to the Test Method for determining key indicators of food security, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 05.12.2007 № 1379 “Some Issues of Food Security” (as amended on 21.10.2011). Results. The article deals with the current state of food security in Ukraine for the next indicators: the daily energy value of the human diet, sufficiency consumption of certain products, the adequacy of supplies of grain in state resources, economic availability of food, differentiation value of food by social groups, market capacity of individual products, food self-sufficiency for a certain product. The study found that the state of Food Security in 2015 in Ukraine satisfied the set threshold values and rules by the majority of indicators. Practical implications. The value of particular indicators, calculated according to 2015 and compared to 1995, positively characterized the dynamics of food security in Ukraine. However, there is a necessity for a balanced state policy of the internal market and the agrarian sector’s regulating. Value/originality. It is an obvious fact that it is needed to respect the objectives set out in the Strategy for Sustainable Development “Ukraine-2030” in the directions of development, security, responsibility, and pride.

How to Cite

Babych, M., & Kovalenko, A. (2018). FOOD SECURITY INDICATORS IN UKRAINE: CURRENT STATE AND TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 8-15.
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food security indicators, diet, grain food resources, economic availability of products, market capacity, food independence, differentiation value of food


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