

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Olga Balueva

  Elena Chuprina


As the result of the annexation of the Crimea and Donbass military conflict, there was an emergence of forced migration. It ought to be emphasized that today issues related to addressing problems of internally displaced persons (IDPs), are relevant and require an integrated approach. The increase in the number of IDPs in the country raises the issue of identifying the strategic priorities of the state policy. The purpose of this research is to formulate strategic priorities of the state policy of support for IDPs’. The subject of the study is theoretical and methodological principles of the state policy to support IDPs. The research methodology includes a set of scientific research methods that provide identifying the strategic priorities of the state policy for IDPs’ support, developing effective mechanisms for these priorities achievement, and conceptual vision of solving IDPs’ problems. In the course of investigations, the following methods are used: analysis while studying the main problems of internally displaced persons; logical synthesis and synthesis while drawing conclusions. Results. Scientific novelty of the article. In the article, the conceptual foundations of the IDPs support have been formed, an attention has been focused on the feasibility of using a strategic approach, which involves the formation and implementation of a set of strategically oriented measures aimed at solving the most acute issues and matters related to internal forced migration, directing the IDPs potential and internally displaced businesses to strengthen local communities and social and economic development of the resettlement territories. The main stages and conceptual foundations for the Strategy formation on the IDPs support have been proposed. The strategy is based on an integrated approach to addressing IDPs and internally displaced businesses, taking into account the interests of host communities. Practical implications. The result of the Strategy implementation ought to be approved by the strategic migration model for Ukraine’s internal migration aimed at promoting the implementation of the basic IDPs and internally displaced businesses rights; ensuring the social and economic integration of the IDPs into the host society; promotion of country territories’ social and economic development; reducing the level of social and psychological tension in host communities; creating new jobs; improvement of the investment climate; increasing the efficiency of using the country intellectual potential and its human resources. Value / originality. Solving the urgent issues associated with forced displacement processes, including integration and adaptation to host communities.

How to Cite

Balueva, O., & Chuprina, E. (2018). STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNAL MIGRATION PROCESSES REGULATION IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 16-24.
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strategic priorities, government policy, internally displaced persons, support strategy, strategic management


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