

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Sergey Bardash

  Tetiana Osadcha


The urgency of the research consists in the existence of challenging issue regarding the equitable distribution of existing natural resources between existing and future generations, the question of formation, distribution, and use of rent. The economic theory clearly identifies features of rental relations at the government level, but there is no information on accounting reflection of rent as one of the types of income of an economic entity in bookkeeping. Level of information content about rental income remains problematic. This leads to a targeted reduction in the availability of information on income from the use of rental resources since none of the forms of existing types of reporting provides any information on any type of rent. The purpose of the research was to specify the accounting component of rent as an economic category, as well as to determine legal and economic preconditions for rent accounting. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of knowing the essence of the rent and rental relations; general scientific methods of scientific knowledge (analysis, abstracting, synthesis, generalization), bibliographic method of transformation of economic essence and legal content of rent and rental relations, analysis of legal acts in the part of implementation of the contract of rent, method of grouping of economic and legal preconditions for establishing an effective segment of rent accounting. Scientific results. It was established that transformation of the modern mechanism of fragmentary regulation of rental should occur systematically, with obligatory improvement of accounting methods of rent resources and development of a method for calculating rental income, as well as a taxation system of extra profits taking into account specific sources and conditions for the formation of various types of rent. With the purpose of transformation of rental relations in the part of the improvement of accounting of income including rents, legal and economic preconditions for rent accounting are identified. In particular, it was established that the legal basis for accounting of the results of rental relations is the identification of the entity, to which the object belongs (rent-forming factor (resource)); of the entity that uses the object (rent-forming factor (resource)); of the mechanism of implementation of rental relations; of an indisputable reason for calculating the rental factor (resource), – a contract of rent or other legal instrument regulating rental relations. The main economic preconditions necessary and sufficient for the organization and keeping of rent accounting by the economic entity are as follows: an object, – the rent-forming factor (resource), which the economic entity-rent payer uses (exploits); economic benefit from the use (operation) of such an object; income of the entity that uses (exploits) such an object that includes the rent; rent estimation for determining rental income, a share of rent in income from a certain type of activity and subsequent implementation of rent payment; documenting and accounting of rent accounts (rental income) and rent payment, followed by their reflection in the financial statements of the business entity-rent payer. The practical significance of the research is to identify preconditions for the formation of a rent accounting methodology, as well as to form information support for analysing the competitiveness of business entities and determining their financial stability.

How to Cite

Bardash, S., & Osadcha, T. (2018). IDENTIFICATION OF ECONOMIC AND LEGAL PRECONDITIONS FOR RENT ACCOUNTING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 31-38.
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rental relations, rent, rent resource, contract of rent, rent accounting


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