

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Olena Gudz

  Nataliya Prokopenko


The purpose of the paper is studying the role and problems of the innovative development of domestic enterprises, discovering the factors that influence these processes. Methodology. The methodology for the study was based on logical and historical methods, methods of the system-functional approach, methods of scientific abstraction, systematization, grouping, generalization and formalization, analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical methods, and method of questioning and peer review. Results. It is studied the essence and substantiated the expediency of the network approach use, it is outlined its capabilities and limitations, determined the effectiveness of network innovation structures, and developed the proposals for activating the innovative development of enterprises in new dimensions of the economic space based on the network approach. Practical implications. The proposed measures will promote the activation of innovative development for domestic enterprises, improve the quality of business chains, competitiveness and management structures, and provide the development of new market segments. Value/originality. The information background for the paper was the official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, statistical and financial statements of enterprises, rating estimates by the international agency Bloomberg Rankings, analytical report “Global Innovation Index” (World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO), the report of the European Innovation Scoreboard, scientific publications of domestic and foreign researchers, normative reference literature, analytical and logical generalizations and observations of authors, Internet information resources.

How to Cite

Gudz, O., & Prokopenko, N. (2018). THE INCREASE OF ENTERPRISES’ INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON THE NETWORK APPROACH. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 99-105.
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innovations, innovative development, enterprises, network approach, network innovative structures


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