

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Yana Derenskaya


The purpose of the article is to define the essence of project scope management process, its components, as well as to develop an algorithm of project scope management in terms of pharmaceutical production. Methodology. To carry out the study, available information sources on standards of project management in whole and elements of project scope management in particular are analysed. Methods of system and structural analysis, logical generalization are used to study the totality of subprocesses of project scope management, input and output documents, and to provide each of them. Methods of network planning are used to construct a precedence diagram of project scope management process. Results of the research showed that components of the project scope management are managing the scope of the project product and managing the content of project work. It is the second component is investigated in the presented work as a subject of research. Accordingly, it is defined that project scope management process is to substantiate and bring to the realization the necessary amount of work that ensures the successful implementation of the project (achievement of its goal and objectives of individual project participants). It is also determined that the process of managing the project scope takes into account the planning, definition of the project scope, creation of the structure of project work, confirmation of the scope and management of the project scope. Participants of these subprocesses are: customer, investor, and other project participants – external organizations (contractors of the project); project review committee; project manager and project team. It is revealed that the key element of planning the project scope is the formation of the structure of design work, the justification of the number of works, and the sequence of their implementation. It is recommended to use the following sequence of stages for creating the structure of project work: analysis of results of planning the project scope; study of templates of project works’ structures, recommendations for the formation of levels of structure; decomposition of the totality of project work; creating a dictionary of the project work structure; updating the description of the project scope and the project scope management plan. Practical importance. In order to improve the management of the scope of projects in the pharmacy, the components of subprocesses, participants, input and output documents are investigated and the algorithm for managing the project scope is built. It is determined that the starting elements of project scope management are the justification of the initial data, i.e. the project purpose, impacts of the environment and the internal potential of the enterprise in relation to the project implementation (assets of the organizational process). It is recommended to create a structure of project work starting from the analytical research existing at the enterprise or recommended by standards and guidelines on project management approaches to building a hierarchical structure of works, templates of project work structures. It is noted that the created structure of project work should be audited by participants of the project office. According to the results of planning the sequence and duration of operations for managing the scope of works, a precedence diagram of the investigated process is constructed. Value/originality. The developed recommendations regarding the consistency and structure of subprocesses and operations of the project scope management will allow the enterprise to significantly save time for planning the scope of subsequent projects, using the database created in previous periods, statistics on the implementation of the described operations.

How to Cite

Derenskaya, Y. (2018). PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT PROCESS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 118-125.
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project, project management, scope, project scope, project charter, work breakdown structure, project scope management


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