

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Victoria Zhurylo

  Olga Prygara


Target setting. In modern conditions, in some markets for goods in mass demand, companies are increasingly beginning to introduce customization in marketing activities, which involves the implementation of marketing tools aimed at ensuring a wide differentiation of the trade offer, the establishment of direct communication with the target audience, which provides an opportunity to attract the consumer to the production of goods and to adjust product under its certain requirements. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The study of the market behaviour of consumers is a branch of knowledge that is rapidly and dynamically developing and falls within the scope of scientific interests of a large number of scientists. The emphasis in existing studies of consumer market behaviour is made on the study of commodity markets. There are publications devoted to questions of consumer behaviour research in the service markets, but there are practically no publications on the study of behavioural patterns in service markets on an orderly basis. The purpose of the article is to study features of the market behaviour of consumers on the Ukrainian market of exclusive confectionery products to order. Methodology. The authors of the article conducted a marketing research on the motivation and behaviour of consumers on the Ukrainian market of exclusive confectionery products to order. The sample comprised 117 people, of which 71% of the respondents were women, 29% of respondents were men. The statement of basic materials. The main purchasing motives of the consumer who decides to order exclusive confectionery products are investigated and it is revealed that the ordered product is characterized by a high level of emotional consumer value. The description of the customer’s motivation field is presented and consumer risks, which influence the market behaviour of consumers of exclusive desserts, are viewed. According to the results of the study, such existing areas of dissatisfaction of target consumers are identified, namely, design mismatch expectations, unjustified prices, dissatisfaction with taste, the inconsistency of packaging, complex order procedure, which requires time and effort. Conclusions. Using the results of the conducted marketing research, recommendations for producers of exclusive desserts to reduce possible dissatisfaction of the consumer when ordering exclusive desserts are presented. First of all, manufacturers should try to provide as much as possible a clear description of the offered services, try to visualize and materialize the offer to the consumer, thus reducing his perceived risks.

How to Cite

Zhurylo, V., & Prygara, O. (2018). CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR FORMATION IN THE CUSTOMIZED SERVICE MARKETS: A CASE OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 156-162.
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consumer behaviour, buying process, information search, customization


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