

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Iryna Karabaza

  Tetiana Kozhukhova


The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the means of overcoming corruption in order to ensure effective state governance and sustainable economic development of the country. Methodology. The research is based on a systematic approach to studying aspects of overcoming corruption as a basis for effective public administration and sustainable economic development of the country. The following methods are used: the method of induction (while determining the impact of corruption on society); the method of analysis (while determining the means for effective fight against corruption); synthesis (while generalizing the main causes of corruption in Ukraine), the method of hypotheses (while determining ways to support effective public administration in Ukraine). Results. The destructive effects of corruption are considered at two levels: at the state level (national level) and at the level of citizen (personal level). The state is formed by people, and their tolerance to corruption depends on their value systems and a vital position formed by society and family. The one can fight against corruption effectively, first of all, by forming the competence of “responsibility” in the citizens of the country, that is, their conscious attitude to the requirements of society, the ability to be responsible for their own lives and actions. Anti-corruption tools are investigated at the state level and at the level of personality formation. Effective governance under the influence of corruption pressure not only prevents the country from developing in a normal way, inhibiting foreign investment and reducing national wealth, but also activating the migration outflow of a responsible part of the population, the best part of the national gene pool, thereby destroying the nation. The fight against corruption at the state level should begin with the fight against corruption at the level of education of the individual, first of all, by forming the competence of the “responsibility” in the citizens of the country, that is, their conscious attitude to the requirements of society, the ability to be responsible for their own lives and actions. Practical implications. Using global experience in the fight against corruption, the following strategic measures are proposed: government data and information on tax revenues, as well as on funds from international organizations should be freely used by citizens (Ukrainian ministries’ websites contains no transparent and detailed data); create an active forum for government officials, civil society, private sector leaders, and other members of “Anticorruption Initiatives”, which will provide an opportunity to fight against corruption and protect interests of the population in many areas, including the most risky, such as medical procurement; publish all data on public expenditure on the Open Government Portal – the data warehouse of world-wide budgets created by the World Bank Group; to create information and technological infrastructure that will allow the widespread use of electronic services (from the payment of taxes through the Internet to filling out the prescriptions of doctors); provide the opportunity to send instant text messages from citizens’ mobile phones to a specified address in order to provide feedback, submitting suggestions, or reporting a problem related to public services. Value/originality. The means of overcoming corruption are substantiated in order to ensure effective public administration and sustainable economic development of the country.

How to Cite

Karabaza, I., & Kozhukhova, T. (2018). OVERCOMING CORRUPTION AS THE BASIS OF EFFECTIVE PUBLIC GOVERNANCE AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 181-187. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-1-181-187
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responsibility, corruption, sustainable economic development, society, governance


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