

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Anna Kniazevych

  Volodymyr Kyrylenko

  Ludmila Golovkova


The article substantiates the key role of processes of formation of an effective national innovation system, which directly provides the innovative development of the national economy of the country. The article defines peculiarities of the formation of models of national innovation systems of different countries of the world. The article develops the basic principles, on which the concept of the development of the national innovation system of Ukraine is based. One of the main factors, which directly influence the dynamics and pace of the development of the national innovation system, is the degree of the development of the country’s innovation infrastructure. It should be stated that the main elements of the national innovation system of Ukraine function in isolation from each other, without any balance in this system, which causes its ineffectiveness. Further research should be aimed at establishing a systemic relationship and developing mechanisms for managing the formation and functioning of the national innovation system based on the effective innovation infrastructure of the country. At the stage of the gradual overcoming the economic crisis, the creation of favourable conditions for the fuller realization of the creative and inventive potential of the Ukrainian society is gaining a special significance in the innovative market of the country. The susceptibility of the national economy to innovation depends largely on the presence of demand for innovative products from consumers in the market, the acceleration of the dissemination of advanced technologies, including the expansion of the range of innovative active firms in the medium business, the creation of new innovative firms, and the dynamic growth of their scale. The strategy of innovation development is aimed at the formation and functioning of a specific infrastructure to increase the acceptability of the business environment to innovation. Significant activation of the market of innovations cannot be carried out without addressing, as necessary, certain markets for innovative services operating in the innovation infrastructure of the country, the economy, etc. The formation of self-sufficient and well-functioning innovative Ukrainian infrastructure, which is self-organized, is necessary not only for the harmonization of the functioning of the innovation system and national economy but also for the survival of the country. Despite the complexity and ambiguity of the influence of external and internal factors on the establishment and development of innovation infrastructure, the overall positive assessment suggests that, with certain efforts on the part of the state and business, Ukraine’s innovative infrastructure can effectively develop and carry out its functions.

How to Cite

Kniazevych, A., Kyrylenko, V., & Golovkova, L. (2018). INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE OF UKRAINE: ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ACTION AND WAYS OF IMPROVEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 208-218.
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innovations, national innovation system, innovation infrastructure, models of national innovation systems, market of innovations


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