

Published: Jun 7, 2018

  Lina Shenderivska

  Olga Guk


The paper’s purpose is to provide recommendations for the effective managing the companies’ development taking into account the sectoral key elements’ transformation. Methodology. The enterprise profits’ econometric simulation is conducted to determine the most significant factors influencing their development. According to the model testing result, their multicollinearity was revealed. To get rid of the multicollinearity phenomenon from the profit models, isolated regressors are excluded, namely, return on assets, material returns, return on equity. To obtain qualitative models with a small error of model parameters estimation and, accordingly, high reliability of the conclusion about the interrelation between the factors of the model and the resulting feature, factors in the income model that are not closely interconnected, that is, not multicollinear, are included. Determination coefficients R2 and F-criterion were calculated for model quality checking. The modern printing enterprises of Ukraine key elements, connected with integration into the global information space, are analysed. Results. The interrelation between a company’s development and earning capacity is identified in the study. The profit importance as the main source for enterprise financing is substantiated. Factors that have the greatest impact on the enterprises’ development are labour productivity, financial autonomy, working capital turnover, and the character of their influence is most adequately reflected by the power model. Peculiarities of the enterprises’ activity include increased competition at the inter-branch level, poorly developed industrial relations, and the own sources of financing activities shortage. Practical implications. Based on information on the most significant developmental impact factors, directions for perspective enterprises development for their competitiveness increase are proposed: diversification based on the activity expansion, the enterprises’ organizational structure change, investment development. The actuality of diversification’s activity for profit increase due to new markets development is determined. It was found that corporations are the most acceptable organizational form for the enterprise. The urgency of investment development for printing companies is proved connected with the production modernization’s necessity, ensuring the manufacture of competitive products. Value/originality. To ensure the effective enterprises’ development based on development concept, a model for managing the printing companies’ development is worked out. The model for managing the companies’ development is prepared based on the concept that takes into account the peculiarities of enterprise activity and priority directions of their development, improves the directions for enterprises adaptation understanding in the competitiveness growth conditions.

How to Cite

Shenderivska, L., & Guk, O. (2018). ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT: MANAGEMENT MODEL. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), 334-344.
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earning capacity, profit, development, investment development, concept, management model


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