

Published: Jul 25, 2018

  Nadiya Bortnyk

  Galyna Didkivska

  Vyacheslav Tylchyk


The purpose of this article is to conduct an economic and legal analysis of the current situation of international labour migration and its impact on the development of states in a globalized world. It is stressed that modern globalization has not slowed migration flows but, on the contrary, significantly increased them and created the so-called “era of migration”. The article reveals the meaning and significance of international labour migration, acquired at the beginning of the XXI century. The key definitions of the research and the theory of the emergence of migration are presented. The role of labour migration in redressing imbalances, which exist in the labour market, is analysed. The genesis of the migration policy of the world leading countries regarding the admission of labour migrants to their territories is considered. The mechanism of legal regulation of some donor countries and recipient countries is revealed. The causes of external labour migration and its consequences for Ukraine are considered. The prospects for improvement in the migration policy of Ukraine in the context of globalization and European integration processes are outlined. An attention is paid to the importance of international labour migration for the economic development of the state, which receives migrants and one from which they originate. Primary theoretical and practical significance of international labour migration for the industrialized countries of the world, which due to acute demographic challenges cannot provide development and normal functioning of the economy without the involvement of labour migrants, is highlighted. The article aims to consider international labour migration as an integral part of the global economy and to identify peculiarities of international labour migration, as well as its place in international economic relations. At the same time, an attention is paid to the fact that labour migration abroad is the most powerful migration process in Ukraine today, which increases the importance of studying the issues of state policy development in the area of regulation and strengthening the protection of the rights of Ukrainian citizens who travel abroad as migrant workers. Besides, it is focused on the issue of the creation of a global market of skilled labour, as well as the consequences of migration of skilled personnel and the challenge of overcoming the negative consequences of the migration of skilled workers. It is noted that the world (global) labour market is a set of global labour resources as the sum of all occupied (real and potential) population of the world, including international labour migrants. Given this, temporally dynamic changes, taking place in the area of displacement of international labour migrants, particularly in Ukraine, as well as in the migration mood of the Ukrainian population, require their constant monitoring and scientific substantiation. The practical importance of the scientific research is to clarify the causes and consequences of international labour migration for the development of the receiving states and those that generate them. This is extremely important for the improvement of the Ukrainian migration legislation, which will not be effective without a broad vision and a deep understanding of the migration situation in the country. Today’s general understanding of the migration situation and migration flows in Ukraine is not correct and, therefore, some proposals and decisions concerning their management are not adequate. At the level of strategic planning, it would be useful to coordinate the migration policy objectives with the actual demographic and economic situation, social and psychological state of its citizens. Consequently, the economic and legal analysis of migration moods and migration behaviour of international labour migrants is extremely important for scientific argumentation of the main directions of improvement of the migration policy of Ukraine in the current conditions of globalization for saving labour potential of the state and develop its economy. Methodology. Methodological foundations of the research of international labour migration are determined by a set of methods of scientific knowledge, which allow considering this problem as a multifaceted, interdisciplinary phenomenon. The research strategy, underlying the integrated approach, primarily is based on the following methodological principles: formulation of fundamental theoretical concept; development of cross-cutting concepts and categories, which ensure the unity of the approach to the object of research.

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migration, international labour migration, economic growth, labour market, skilled labour force, demographic potential, legal regulation, migration policy.


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