

Published: Jul 25, 2018

  Diana Fayvishenko


The purpose of this article is defining the term of positioning, as well as creation and implementation of the success principles of the brand positioning strategies, discussed the process of creating a positional scheme. Methodology. Applied the principle of systems, comparative analysis, induction, deductive method and gnoseological analysis (analytical, synthesis, logical, comparison). Results from researching the principles of successful strategies for the development and positioning of a brand brought to the following conclusions: the brand positioning is a process of creating its own image, distinctive properties, positive associations and values in consumers’ mind in order to create a sustainable trademark image and ensure consumers’ attachment to this trademark. Development and implementation of the company strategy of positioning comprises nine basic stages: 1) analysis of the external and internal environment, goods analysis; 2) trademark design; 3) selection and reasoning of differential positioning features; 4) defining a strategy (positioning method description); 5) defining strategic and tactical targets, foresight for their achievement; 6) development of an implementation strategy plan; 7) strategy implementation; 8) the results evaluation and strategy implementation control; 9) corrective actions. Prospects for further research. More detailed analysis of the positioning concepts, the rationale for a systematic approach to positioning, their use in practice. Background. Marketing positioning presents an opportunity for the promotion of trademarks, market share expansion, sales increase. Value/originality. A positioning strategy is the paramount part of the general positioning concept. The brand success on the market depends largely on the quality of development and realization of the positioning strategy. Therefore, this issue is a key to developing an efficient positioning system. The rationale of the chosen subject has no contradictions because the brand positioning should be addressed not only as a marketing issue but an important general economic and even a social task for the company, the solution of which contributes to the goal of improving the quality of life for all its employees.

How to Cite

Fayvishenko, D. (2018). FORMATION OF BRAND POSITIONING STRATEGY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(2), 245-248.
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brand, positioning, trademark, strategy of positioning, marketing


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