

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Diana Zavadska


The paper states that the success of Ukraine’s development, in the context of the transition to the model of Ukraine’s innovative development, contributes to a clear choice of priorities, among which the main thing is to ensure high rates of economic growth. The role of banks in reproductive processes is proved, which corresponds to modern problems of innovative development of the Ukrainian economy. The scientific approaches of various economic theories (neoclassical, monetarist, Keynesian, institutional, and the concept of financial mediation) are investigated. Advantages of studying the world experience of economic theory are to determine its connection with banking activities. But this does not entail the task of carrying out a complete historical study of all economic concepts relating to the impact on the economic development of the financial market itself and its subjects. The author highlighted the task of studying the relationship of development, participation of banking sector actors, and trends in the development of new paradigms in the theory of financial intermediation. The purpose of the article is to conduct an analysis of the theoretical provisions on determining the role of banks in financing innovative development of the economy. Methodology. The information base of the research is the results of scientific research results in determining the influence of the monetary sphere, interest rates, production, investments, and state on the processes of reproduction of the economy, published in monographic studies and publications in periodicals. During the research, methods of logical generalization, comparative analysis, system approach that takes into account the dynamic functional dependence between the state of the whole, development and the balance of its constituent elements are used. Results. The article emphasizes that the issue of activating the activity of banks in the investment market has become particularly significant. A critical analysis of research and development of leading scholars has led to the conclusion that there is no generally accepted idea of determining the place and role of banks in the growth of the country’s economy. It is established that the representatives of neoclassical theories of mediation most thoroughly considered the theoretical positions regarding the definition of the role of banks in the revitalization of economic growth. Practical implementation. The practical significance is in the fact that scientific research clearly, understandably, and consistently proves the importance of the participation of banks in reproductive processes. The results obtained in the future will be used to develop recommendations for defining the directions of interaction between banks and enterprises of the real sector of the Ukrainian economy in order to enhance the processes of bank financing of innovation development of the economy. Value/novelty. The article substantiates the special role of banks in economic growth, which is determined by the increase in business activity, the impact on the increase of money supply in circulation, the priority of credit operations aimed at the country’s crisis recovery.

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economic theories, bank, role, financing, economic growth, innovative development


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