

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Victor Koshchynets

  Olha Zlahoda

  Maryna Haliy


The aim of the article is theoretical and methodological research of legal and regulatory framework of activities of state-owned enterprises in Ukraine. The subject of the study is the institutional and legal principles of the activities of state-owned enterprises in Ukraine. Methodology. The research is based on general scientific and special-scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. Analysis and synthesis were used to study the activities of state enterprises as a complex legal phenomenon, to determine their essence and distinguish them from related legal phenomena. The method of the system approach allowed revealing the institutional specificities of the legal framework for the main spheres of state-owned enterprises’ activities in Ukraine. Using the formal and legal method, the state of the legal and regulatory framework of the activities of state-owned enterprises in Ukraine was comprehensively examined, as well as its shortcomings, gaps, contradictions, and miscalculations were identified, and recommendations aimed at their elimination were developed. The results of the study revealed that national legislation does not outline exactly the scope of legal activities of state-owned enterprises, but only provides for some of the most important conditions for their operation. In addition, it is scattered covering a considerable body of multi-sectoral legal acts, therefore, it should be optimized and unified, especially in terms of providing the list of general legislative acts on the activities of state-owned enterprises and their management in economic relations. Practical implications. The article defined the correlation of general rules of civil circulation with the special legal acts that regulate the functioning of certain state-owned enterprises with the special purpose and nature of the activity. Relevance/originality. The theoretical and legal study of the institutional and legal principles of the activities of state-owned enterprises in Ukraine consisting of a range of individual normative structures and procedures provides a better understanding of the prospects for the development of national administrative legislation in this sphere.

How to Cite

Koshchynets, V., Zlahoda, O., & Haliy, M. (2018). INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF ACTIVITY OF STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 142-146.
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state-owned enterprises, legal and regulatory framework, state management of economic activity


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