

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Serhii Lehenchuk

  Yurii Velykyi

  Svitlana Belinska


The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical fundamentals of the concept of variability in accounting taking into account development features of NAS under the influence of trends of accounting harmonization and standardization. The need to regulate the accounting system arose due to the current imperfection of financial markets and incomplete information about the activities of enterprises, which is provided to participants in such markets for decision-making. Accounting is a means to eliminate various negative phenomena that accompany the functioning of financial markets (incomplete information, information noise, information asymmetry). In order to improve the efficiency of accounting as a separate socio-economic institute that solves market imperfections, there is a need for its regulation based on the application of different kinds and types of models. One of the obligatory conditions for an efficient market operation is the availability of an ideal and complete market for accounting information, when all actors know the real financial situation and the results of each enterprise’s financial statements, have an equal access to market information that may be used both for making economic decisions, and for carrying out accounting choice. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the paper is a complex and systematic approach in the study of the development of the variance concept in accounting. The methodology of accounting is an important tool for regulating the economy at all levels. The modern methodological situation in the Ukrainian economy is characterized by the transition from a unified, government-controlled methodology to a variety of methodological foundations. The absence of research on issues of improving the methodology of accounting did not allow providing the appropriate methodological orientation to measures for regulation and development of accounting in Ukraine. In this regard, the article studies the development of the concept of variability in accounting. Results. The following types of variability in accounting are highlighted: complete univariability; extended univariability; limited multivariability; partially limited multivariability; full unlimited multivariability. The structural model of the accounting system, based on the concept of limited multivariability, is proposed. Practical implications. Development features of the accounting system in countries with the developed market economy and post-Soviet countries are substantiated. A hierarchical structure of the accounting methodology is developed. In order to form theoretical aspects of the concept of the methodology of variability in accounting, its main concepts (imperative behaviour, accounting choice) are substantiated. Value/originality. Considered issues of the relationship of accounting choice with the concept of variability in the light of the positive theory of accounting revolutionize the views of researchers-accountants on the issue of accounting choice. In particular, this also applies to representatives of the domestic scientific community, which consider the accounting choice in the context of the concept of accounting policy of the enterprise. On the other hand, the positive theory of accounting proposes its way of the influence of the scientific community on developers of accounting standards. The methodology for explaining the reasons for making accounting choices by managers and foreseeing the actions of users of accounting information in the market, which, in turn, is a reaction to the disclosure of financial statements and the actions of managers, is a sufficient ground for understanding the implications of accounting decisions.

How to Cite

Lehenchuk, S., Velykyi, Y., & Belinska, S. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF VARIABILITY CONCEPT IN ACCOUNTING: UKRAINIAN CONTEXT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 158-164.
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accounting system, accounting imperatives, accounting alternatives, variability, concepts, accounting policy


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