

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Volodymyr Onyshchenko

  Olha Bondarevska


The subject of the study is the theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the economic security of the region. The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for assessing the economic security of the region on the basis of the analysed basic methods and techniques. Research methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the fundamental provisions of economic theory, modern concepts of economic security on the meso-level, scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, and state laws and regulations on the assessment of economic security. In the course of the research, general scientific and special methods of research were applied, namely: theoretical generalization, scientific abstraction, and system analysis – during the generalization of theoretical foundations of the subject-object sphere of research, comparison study – during the establishment of causal relationships, data classification and systematization, comparative analysis – when identifying the positive and negative sides of the investigated methods of assessing economic security, abstract-logical analysis – in the process of drawing conclusions. The research results show that the use of methods of monitoring and analysis of the key economic indicators, on the basis of which the integral indicators of components of regional economic security and the overall integral indicator are calculated, allows carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the current state of economic security, determining its positive and negative tendencies in general and by separate functional constituents. The methodology for assessing the economic security of the region is proposed, which allows fully taking into account the impact of threats on the economic security of the region and evaluating it in a complex way with the use of a system of indicators. The threshold, critical, and satisfactory value for an integrated assessment of the regional economic security and individual components are calculated. Intervals of satisfactory, unsatisfactory, critical, and absolutely unsatisfactory state of economic security of the region are determined. Practical implementation. The obtained assessments of the regional economic security are useful for making decisions in order to avoid destructive processes of socio-economic development of regions. Further research directions are related to the calculation and analysis of the state of economic security of regions of Ukraine, determination of the degree of influence of threats on the regional economic security, development of a model for ensuring regional development security.

How to Cite

Onyshchenko, V., & Bondarevska, O. (2018). PRINCIPLES OF ASSESSING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE REGION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 189-197.
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regional economic security, indicator, indicator analysis, functional analysis, modified method, threshold value, weight coefficient, integral index


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