

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Larysa Poliatykina

  Iryna Samoshkina


The purpose of the article is to summarize and highlight the key areas of activation of small business enterprises. The goal of the research is to obtain accurate and complete information that would enable to determine the objective and overall assessment of small business operation at the present stage of development of business relations in Ukraine; to identify impediments to their operation; to find reserves to improve the efficiency of small business operation. Problem statement. The research is aimed at studying the current state and determining the prospects of the small business development in Ukraine; analysing the deficiencies and formulating the main trends in the small business operation. In addition, the research goal is to examine the features of the creation, operation, and development of small businesses, and to go into the details of their basic challenges and specifics. Methodology. Analysis of small business operation and features of its conduct was carried out during the study. Issues of the formation and operation of the small business, as well as workflow management and business administration at these enterprises, are controversial. As a result of the study, the tendencies of the operation of small business enterprises are considered, the main problems and their solution in Ukraine are elucidated in detail. The crucial factor for the development of ent repreneurship in Ukraine is the formation of extensive infrastructure to support the development of small businesses. Efficient operation of this infrastructure contributes to the increased investment appeal of regions, the attraction of domestic and foreign investment, and the application of advanced technologies. Practical implications. It is noted that expedient is the work to ensure further development of small businesses and their relevance to the economic development of the country as a whole. Small businesses perform a variety of important economic and social objectives. They develop the real economy, increase employment opportunities, and promote competition. Therefore, the development of small business is the important task of the government. Value/originality. The analysis of the study conducted shows that the performance of the important economic and social role by small businesses is possible only due to the balanced state policy of comprehensive support for this sector of the economy. Therefore, the promotion of the small business development in Ukraine should be based on the implementation of the European experience that is based on the European standards of entrepreneurial development that will significantly contribute to the creation of a modern market economy with social justice.

How to Cite

Poliatykina, L., & Samoshkina, I. (2018). PRIORITY AREAS OF THE SMALL BUSINESS ACTIVATION IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 228-234.
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small business, government support, entrepreneurship, investment, lending, competitiveness


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