

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Kseniya Yurtayeva

  Yevhenia Hladkova

  Alona Shcherbakova


The purpose of the paper is to examine the role of mass media in combating drug addiction and drugrelated crime, together with the opportunities of cooperation between the police and the mass media in combating drug-related crime, and the main problems arising from such cooperation. Results of the study allowed us to draw several conclusions. Firstly, we underscore that there is a significant increase in drug consumption, especially among minors and youths. Under these circumstances, a prevention-oriented approach to combating drug-related crime gains a special significance. Secondly, the role of mass media in shaping public perceptions of certain issues, including drugs, makes them a necessary partner for the law enforcement agencies in deterring the spread of drug consumption. Thirdly, there are significant problems arising from the fundamentally different interests of the mass media and the police, which require the latter to seek ways to align their activities. Still, we see cooperation as the only way to succeed, as administrative measures, such as censorship, will be largely counterproductive in the age of high availability of the information. Practical implications of the study lie in the recommendations for the activities of the police aimed at ensuring efficient cooperation with the mass media in organizing informational campaigns, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and discouraging drug consumption. We stress upon the necessity of the well-planned campaign, including not only the careful preparation of the information but also a selection of the most efficient channels of dissemination and setting up of the feedback in order to objectively appraise their results and to allow a certain level of flexibility in adapting and adjusting these campaigns to the circumstances. We also underscore the importance of careful selection of partners in mass media, so that both sides of the partnership have a deep understanding of the issue they are working with. Lastly, we investigate the features of the information campaigns on the local level. Value/originality. The paper provides practical recommendations for setting up an informational campaign aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and discouraging drug usage. Additionally, it provides the basis for the further research of the issues of police-mass media cooperation, in counteracting drug-related crimes in particular and in the prevention of antisocial and criminal behaviour in general.

How to Cite

Yurtayeva, K., Hladkova, Y., & Shcherbakova, A. (2018). ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN COMBATING DRUG-RELATED CRIME. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 366-371.
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police, mass media, information campaigns, drug-related crime, drug consumption


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