

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Viktoriia Kyfyak

  Yurii Lopatynskyi


The research task is the improvement of scientific principles and development of a methodical approach to the modelling of enterprises’ development scenarios that apply business process reengineering in order to increase the level of competitiveness. The urgency of the research. The relevance of further researches is determined by the fact that the practical implementation of scientific approaches in Ukraine has not become popular, and the aspects of business process reengineering have been implemented only fragmentarily. Target setting. The development and discussions of procedural, systemic, and synergetic approaches to enterprise development have determined the concept of business process reengineering. Therefore, the further development of methodical principles for the realization of business process reengineering in the practice of business management is urgent and relevant. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The justification of the expediency of using the tools for business process reengineering through the modelling of the future results at Ukrainian enterprises requires further scientific development. Materials and methods. The historical-evolutionary method was used to investigate the essence and origin of the category of reengineering and to distinguish its main features. By means of analysis and synthesis, the conceptual bases of business processes reengineering are determined. Implementation of complex, systemic, and synergetic approaches as a basis for application of business process reengineering allowed developing a modelling methodology for forecasting scenarios of the level of competitiveness of a business unit. The application of a systematic approach is reflected in the consideration of the impact of external and internal factors on the enterprise, complex factor – in combination of factors with the criteria of the enterprises managing that are able to compete in the world market, as well as the application of method at different levels – macro, meso, and micro. Methods of economic modelling and forecasting were used for forming a model of forecasting of the level of enterprise competitiveness. Results. The main features are segregated and a method for modelling of the results of its implementation is formulated. The algorithm of modelling of development scenario as a result of the application of reengineering is developed. A model for predicting of the level of competitiveness for the Ukrainian economy is constructed as well. Practical implications. The brilliant examples of corporations that received the “second breath” as a result of the introduction and reengineering of processes were General Electric, Toyota and Chrysler, Kodak, Siemens Nixdorf Service, IBM Credit. The proposed methodological approach can be applied by enterprises to predict the level of competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of the introduction of business process reengineering, depending on possible costs and target commodity output. Value/originality. Such a method of forecasting the competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of business process reengineering is important and can be used to predict the level of competitiveness at all levels of management.

How to Cite

Kyfyak, V., & Lopatynskyi, Y. (2018). METHODICAL APPROACHES TO BUSINESS PROCESSES REENGINEERING AT MODERN ENTERPRISES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 151-158.
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business process reengineering, procedural approach, system approach, point of bifurcation, attractor, transurfing


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