

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Olha Kryshevych

  Olena Terzi

  Olha Starytska


The aim of the article is to reveal the key factors of economic development of Ukraine at the present stage. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks are addressed: the main tendencies of Ukrainian economic development are revealed; the main factors of influence are substantiated; the prospects of economic development of the state are considered. The subject of the study is the key development factors of the Ukrainian economy. Methodology. The analysis of legal regulations of Ukraine and scientific literature enabled to examine the current economic situation, the status of Ukraine and to determine strategic priorities and goals of economic development of Ukraine; in addition, dialectical method, scientific abstraction method, methods of system analysis were used. The results of the study revealed the authors’ perspective on the strategy, ways, and mechanisms to overcome the systemic crisis and to guide the country to the dynamic growth. The solution of socio-economic problems is linked with the protection and strengthening of demographic potential, priorities of human development, tasks of consolidation of the Ukrainian political nation and formation of an integral socio-humanistic space of Ukraine. Practical implications. The situation and important trends of economic, social, political, legal, and humanitarian development of Ukraine under threats and risks related to crisis processes in the modern world are analysed. The macroeconomic changes, transformations of the real economy, energy, and ecology insecurities are reflected. The issues of achieving effective public administration, overcoming the political crisis, stabilizing the financial sector, developing power – business – civil society dialogue, and transforming the socio-humanistic sphere are considered. Relevance/originality. The study revealed the state of affairs in the economic system of Ukraine, as well as perspective tendencies of the Ukrainian economy were further developed.

How to Cite

Kryshevych, O., Terzi, O., & Starytska, O. (2018). KEY DEVELOPMENT FACTORS FOR THE UKRAINIAN ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 194-201.
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factors, economy, economic sector, European integration, strategy


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