

Published: Nov 7, 2015

  Oleksandra Starosta


The aim of this work is to analyze the pension system of Ukraine, determine its main problems, and define all necessary steps for further reforming of the system taking into consideration reforms which have been carried out recently. Methodology. The research is based on statistical factors, analysis of demographic rate, level of shadow economy, fiscal burden in the country. Budget index of the Pension fund of Ukraine and level of income and expenditure of pensioners been examined too. The Results of the research have shown that modern pension system requires reforming because it is characterized with a growing number of pensioners, a decrease in their material status together with annual deficit increase in the Pension fund of Ukraine, amount of tax burden and level of shadow of economy. Practical use. Since the number of pensioners is increasing and the number of payers is decreasing, the sum of accumulated income for pensions is decreasing too, which leads to the pension system crash or failure of its main function – to protect unemployable stratum of population. That is why it is necessary to carry out a further reforming to decrease the deficit, improve living standards of pensioners, implement and develop compulsory and optional insurance. Value/originality. The above mentioned ways of reforming the pension system allow to improve the functionality of the pension scheme and material status of current and future pensioners, implement accumulation component which will benefit the development of economy and the country in general.

How to Cite

Starosta, O. (2015). ANALYSIS OF SOLIDARITY PENSION SYSTEM OF UKRAINE: PROBLEMS AND MAIN WAYS OF REFORMING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 1(2), 142-147.
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pension payment, budget of Pension fund of Ukraine, shadow economy, living standards of pensioners, pension reform in Ukraine.


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