

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Olena Syniavska

  Olga Pokataіeva

  Pavlo Pokataіev


The purpose of the paper is to investigate the procedure of provision of economic incentives in the sphere of settlements improvement in the context of elements of development, in particular, the provision of tax privileges. Methodology. The survey is based on the analysis of the elaboration of the regulatory framework in the CIS countries regarding the application of tax privileges to economic entities that take an active part in the sphere of settlements improvement in terms of elements of development. The norms, which provide tax incentives in the Tax Codes of the Republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, are considered. Provided proposals for the improvement of the tax legislation of these countries in the direction of application of tax incentives to natural and legal persons are based on the statement of the need to enhance the ecological component of a settlement, maintain its aesthetic appearance, create comfortable conditions for people living in it. Results. In the course of the investigation of the state policy on waste management in the CIS countries and analysing the modern legal and regulatory framework towards the provision of tax incentives to economic entities, which operate in the sphere of waste management, or towards natural persons, who acts in a private procedure, the necessity to grant them benefits on corporate profit tax, value-added tax, personal income tax, land fees is substantiated. Studying the state and regional policy on planting of greenery on the territory of settlements as an element of improvement, it is justified the necessity to grant tax privileges to enterprises, institutions, organizations, which take an active part in the process of planting by virtue of corporate profit tax, and to allow the use of special tax regimes for the enterprises the main activity of which is cultivation and realization of ornamental plants. It is proposed to consider the possibility to relive economic entities belonging to representatives of small business from payment of property tax for small outdoor amenities. Practical implications. The presented proposals for granting tax exemptions to economic entities that take an active part in the improvement of settlements will contribute to increase of motivation for the promotion of waste sorting, the manufacture of containers, garbage trucks, facilities of waste sorting plants; the intensification of activities on waste recycling and manufacture of products made of secondary raw materials; planting of greenery on the territory of settlements, which will contribute to betterment of the appearance of the settlements, creation of favourable, comfortable conditions for the population, improvement of the ecological situation. Value/originality. The article gives action-oriented proposals to bring modifications to the Tax Codes of the CIS countries towards the simulation of natural and legal persons to invest funds in sanitary clean-up of the territory from domestic waste for the implementation of rational waste management and for actions aimed at waste collecting.

How to Cite

Syniavska, O., PokataіevaO., & PokataіevP. (2018). ON THE EXPEDIENCY OF GRANTING TAX EXEMPTIONS IN THE SPHERE OF SETTLEMENTS IMPROVEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 321-325. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-4-321-325
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tax privileges, taxpayers, improvement of settlements


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