

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Tetyana Korytko

  Olga Bogutska

  Samira Pіletska


Aggravation of crisis processes in the economy impedes trends in technology improvement, which leads to a certain lag behind the current needs of social reproduction and the need to increase the investment activity of enterprises. Encouraging enterprises’ investment activity is carried out through a mechanism in which there are legal, economic, and financial relations between the subjects of investment activity on the attraction of investments predominantly in the priority directions and branches. The research purpose is to determine the essence and provide the author’s interpretation of concept “organizational and economic mechanism for encouraging investment activities of enterprises” and to develop its structure. The research subject is the development of the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism for promoting investment activity of enterprises and substantiation of its main elements. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is a combination of theoretical and scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization and comparison, theoretical and logical generalization. In particular, the following methods are used: analysis and synthesis – when studying the investment activity of the enterprise; systematisation and comparison – to identify the elements that determine the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism for promoting investment activities of enterprises; scientific abstraction – for the formation of theoretical generalization and conclusions. The paper considers different interpretations of the concept “organizational and economic mechanism for encouraging investment activities of enterprises”. According to the authors, the organizational and economic mechanism for encouraging investment activities of enterprises is a multi-level hierarchical system of the main interconnected elements and their typical groups (subjects, objects, principles, methods, and tools), during and under the influence of which economic relations between all elements of the system are harmonized. Results. As a result of the analysis of the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism, the authors came to the conclusion that any mechanism is a complex structure of interconnected and interacting economic elements, processes, and phenomena that ensure achievement of the set goal. The proposed organizational and economic mechanism for promoting investment activity of enterprises allows investors to minimize investment costs, reduce risks when entering into an investment agreement, or more accurately estimate future revenues from project implementation. Further research directions are deepening of the interrelation of specific features of investment processes in Ukraine with its institutional environment, determination of features of economic relations as the structure of institutes that provide an overflow of investment resources from financial to real sectors of the economy. Practical implications. The practical significance is manifested in the possibility of using the proposed organizational and economic mechanism to encourage investment activities of enterprises, which ensures the effectiveness of managerial influences while promoting investment activity to achieve a specific goal in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. Value/originality. The originality is the substantiation of structural elements of the organizational and economic mechanism for promoting investment activity of enterprises that influence and determine the directions of encouragement of investment activities of enterprises, which allows combining the study of active business processes, financial support, and creation of information support.

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investment activity, promotion, mechanism, organizational and economic mechanism, investment activities


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