

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Tymur Loskutov

  Sergey Miroshnychenko

  Rostyslav Lemekha


The purpose of the article is to define the concept of legitimate economic interest. The desired result of scientific research is achieved through the following tasks: the study of theoretical representations in relation to economic interest and legitimate interest, the definition of the concept of legitimate economic interest. The subject of the study is the notion of legitimate economic interest. The methodology of the research is a set of general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, which using made possible to study economic interest and legitimate interest and made possible the emergence and disclosure of the concept of legitimate economic interest. As a result of the analysis of scientific views on the notion of economic interest, it is established that scientists do not include legal features, which confirm the legality and legitimacy of economic interest, in its content. The inclusion of legal features in the definition of economic interest causes the definition of the concept of legitimate economic interest. It is concluded that legitimate economic interest is reflected in the legislation and follows from its general meaning. It is a simple economic permit, which is guaranteed, to a certain extent, by state bodies, and is expressed in the economic aspirations and economic actions and relations of a person concerning the fact of using of a particular economic good on the basis of the implementation of economic choice, which result is to change the economic situation of the person. As well as, if necessary, this simple economic permit is expressed in seeking protection from the judicial authorities in order to satisfy their own economy’s needs, which do not contradict the public interests, the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, justice, reasonableness, fullness, objectivity, equality, competitiveness and other principles of law. The practical value of scientific research is to reveal the content of an important means of meeting economic needs within the framework of legal regulation. The originality of the research is manifested in the fact that the article attempts to combine signs of economic interest and legitimate interest in defining the concept of legitimate economic interest. This approach provided for the disclosure of the person’s economic aspirations in connection with the rules of law. The prospects for further development in the direction of the study of legitimate economic interest are determined, in particular, concerning the fact of its relation with economic law and peculiarities of realization.

How to Cite

Loskutov, T., Miroshnychenko, S., & Lemekha, R. (2018). THE CONCEPT OF LEGITIMATE ECONOMIC INTEREST. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 175-178.
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economic interest, legitimate interest, legitimate economic interest, economic relations, needs, aspirations, norms


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