

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Serhii Makarenko

  Nataliia Oliinyk

  Tatyana Kazakova


Theoretical and methodical aspects of rating performance appraisal of academic workers of higher educational institutions are the object of research. The purpose of the article is to study peculiarities of the functioning of institutions of higher education and to improve processes of rating assessment of employees as a part of the development of professional careers. Methodological basis of research consisted of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and leading specialists, statistical and analytical materials of state authorities. Results are obtained through the use of methods: statistical and economic – to determine the peculiarities and trends of the development of institutions of higher education in Ukraine; economics and mathematics – to study the impact of the main indicators of activity and performance of higher education institutions and purchasing power of the population on the total volume of gross domestic product; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. The results of the conducted research testify to the necessity of introducing a set of measures for optimization of labour costs for scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions without worsening the quality of provided educational services. It has been revealed that the lack of a sound methodological approach to employee rating and appropriate means of motivation for professional development can lead to the loss of existing intellectual potential and competitive positions of higher education institutions in the market for educational services in general. To maintain the existing intellectual potential justified the introduction of an organizational and economic system for optimizing labour costs, which should consist of the following five main stages: collecting information, processing information received using expert and econometric and mathematical models, calculating the predictive values of factors and productive indicator, development of measures and directions of optimization of labour costs, development of a system of planning career development of personnel. With the introduction of a rating assessment of the activities of academic workers and its attachment to the development of professional careers, it is necessary to avoid possible professional burnout due to overload. A further study of the mechanism of determining the optimal predictive model, taking into account the influence of the shadow sector on the official statistical indicators of the development of the economy and the educational sector, in particular, deserves further study.

How to Cite

Makarenko, S., Oliinyk, N., & Kazakova, T. (2018). IMPROVING THE METHOD APPROACH TO THE RATING EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEES AS PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 179-187.
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academic workers, rating estimation, professional career, pay, coefficient of competence, multiple linear regression


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