

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Bohdan Stetsiuk

  Yurii Miroshnychenko

  Pavlo Dudko


The purpose of the article is to study the legal nature of the international franchise agreement, its types, essential conditions and peculiarities of its conclusion. The subject of the study is the international franchise agreement. Research methodology. The research is based on the use of general scientific and special-scientific methods and methods of scientific knowledge. The dialectical method allowed investigating the definition of the international franchise agreement and its essential conditions. The comparative legal method was used to compare doctrinal approaches to this issue. Interpretation of the content of international legal acts governing issues related to the conclusion of the international franchise agreement was realized with the help of the normative-dogmatic method. The system-structural method is used to study the international franchise agreement as a single whole (system) with the coordinated functioning of all its elements. The methods of grouping and classifying formed the basis for separating the list of conditions, which are necessary for the conclusion of this contract, as well as the provisions that should be included in the content of the agreement. Methods of analysis and synthesis helped to study some parts of this agreement to formulate further conclusions. Practical implication. The analysed recommendations of scientists and lawyers, as well as the provisions of international regulations, can be used when concluding an international franchise contract. Correlation/originality. The scientific novelty of the work consists of an integrated approach to the study of theoretical and practical issues related to the international franchise agreement.

How to Cite

Stetsiuk, B., Miroshnychenko, Y., & Dudko, P. (2018). INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 332-337.
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international franchising, international franchise agreement, franchise, essential conditions, international organizations, model contracts, general recommendations


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