

Published: Mar 22, 2019

  Volodymyr Vakulenko

  Viktoriia Koltun


The purpose of the paper is to substantiate antientropic tools for managing processes of balanced sustainable development of regions. It is shown that one of the most complicated and important contradictions in the system of territorial administration is the contradiction between the development and sustainability of such a complex multidimensional system as a region. And, obviously, relevant scientific task arises as regards to the development of modern approaches to the justification of instruments of dialectical “removal” of the specified contradiction. It is revealed that an optimal methodological step will be the introduction of antientropic approach in the processes of realization of balanced sustainable regional development. Methodology. The survey is based on the actual methodological complex that is characterised by integrity and, including classical postulates which provide its verification, it has innovative aspects. The mentioned approach is based on systems theory that is characterised today by worldwide-recognized universal cognitive tools and antientropic approach, which is in focus of contemporary interdisciplinary studies. Results. Modern approaches to phenomena of entropy are generalized; antientropic paradigm of management of processes of introducing modern model of balanced development at the regional level are substantiated; on the basis of antientropic paradigm, there is proposed a set of approaches to managing organizational processes in the system of local self-government, which provides for permanent dynamic multi-vector interaction of systems (organizations) of different levels and different environments, also it is used for ensuring coherent dissipative activity. Based on the concept of adaptive management, a complex of tools for managing organizational processes in the system of subjects of providing sustainable balanced regional development is elaborated. Practical implications. Proposals on the application of antientropic tools for providing sustainable balanced development of regions can be used by executive authorities and local self-government bodies in the process of formation and implementation of state regional policy, first of all, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine during the formation of the State Sustainable Development Strategy and action plan for its implementation, as well as regional administration bodies when designing regional development strategies and implementing appropriate measures, selecting programs (projects) of regional development. Key scientific achievements of this paper also can be used in the process of drafting legal acts, elaborating the Administrative Reform Concept, and implementing other state program documents. Value/originality. Tools that are proposed in this research for introducing the model of balanced sustainable regional development on the basis of antientropic paradigm include the following: maintenance of an open state of the system; use of the principle of feed-forward control; realization of the principle of diversity. The presented complex of approaches ensures continuous dynamic multi-vector interaction of systems (organizations) of different levels and different environments.

How to Cite

Vakulenko, V., & Koltun, V. (2019). ANTIENTROPIC TOOLS FOR PROVIDING SUSTAINABLE BALANCED REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 21-26.
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investments, financing, public administration


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