

Published: Mar 22, 2019

  Oleksandr Mykolenko

  Iryna Lychenko

  Olena Klymiuk


The aim of the article is to analyse legal regulations and perspectives available in the specialized literature concerning financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies, which should be strengthened and formed according to one of the areas of administrative reform in Ukraine. The subject of the study is financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies: past, present, and prospects of improvement. Methodology. The study is based on the use of general scientific and special-scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The historical and legal method enabled to analyse the legal regulations of administrative and financial law on past, present, and prospects of improvement of financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies. The comparative legal method was used to improve the system of executive bodies and their authorities’ exercise. The system-structural method enabled to consider and identify the most negative effects of the insufficient financing of executive branch activities and the exercise of their authorities. The methods of grouping and classifying were the basis for the author’s approach to the identification of forms of financing state executive bodies. The technical legal method enabled to interrogate the state of affairs in financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies. The results of the study enabled to highlight the drivers of the improvement of forms of financing state executive bodies. Practical implications. In the study, scientific sources and legal regulations of administrative and financial law on past, present, and prospects of improvement of financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies are interrogated. The article highlights that strengthening and forming new financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies have been provided for by one of the areas of the Concepts of Administrative Reform, which nowadays is implemented both at the legislative and law enforcement levels. It was concluded that the formation of new financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies failed. There is only modelling of certain forms of financing of state executive bodies, familiar to the history of the origin and development of these bodies. Therefore, financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies should be interrogated by representatives of both administrative and financial law not only from a historical perspective or from a modern perspective but also with a view to the future. Relevance/originality. The original author’s approach to the definition of financial and economic bases of the functioning of state executive bodies is the basis for developing the most promising areas of improvement of domestic legislation in this sphere.

How to Cite

Mykolenko, O., Lychenko, I., & Klymiuk, O. (2019). FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC BASES OF THE FUNCTIONING OF STATE EXECUTIVE BODIES: PAST, PRESENT AND PROSPECTS OF IMPROVEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 126-130.
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administrative reform areas, state executive bodies, state budget, financial and economic bases of functioning of state executive bodies


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