

Published: Mar 22, 2019


The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the formation of adaptive system for managing the marketing commodity policy through the example of online retailers, as well as to analyse results of approbation of conceptual model of adaptive management system of marketing commodity policy in practical activities of Ukrainian online retailers in various market segments. Methodology. Within the research, activities of Ukrainian online retailers were considered and analysed depending on their sphere and specialisation. Methodological basis of the study is comprised of the system of general scientific and special methods, namely: dialectical method of scientific cognition; methods of system analysis; methods of causeand- effect analysis; methods of comparative analysis; multidimensional statistical methods. Based on the results of the research conducted, the author has developed a conceptual model of adaptive system of management of marketing commodity policy of online retailers, the main goal of which is to form adaptive management system of marketing commodity policy of online retailers as a central reference point in the identification of marketing commodity strategy needed to be implemented, which mostly influences long-term sustainable functioning of online retailers in the market by means of the fullest satisfaction of typical demands, needs, and preferences of the target audience and occasional online buyers along with irrational online orders. List of components of the marketing environment, which have quantitative and qualitative character and different degree of impact on the activities of online retailers depending on their belonging to a certain market segment, is determined. Mechanism of adaptive management of marketing commodity policy of online retailers is proposed that is oriented to revealing the integrity of the process in the context of permanent changes in the market situation; is directed to providing a high-quality level of management of online activity of retailers. Practical importance. Based on the results of the approbation of conceptual model of adaptive management system of marketing commodity policy of Ukrainian online retailers in different segments, it is determined that its implementation in online activity of retailers contributes to their effective functioning and sustainable long-term development, in particular, by means of adjusting reference points of management of marketing commodity policy, and results into improving the process of making rational strategic decisions and substantiating tactical measures of implementation. Practical application of the mechanism of adaptive management of marketing commodity policy of online retailers promotes the implementation of a sound variant of achievement of their strategic goals. Value/originality. Implementation of the developed adaptive management system of marketing commodity policy may ensure effective performance and sustainable development of online retailers in the future, in particular, by means of relevant changes in the management of marketing commodity policy.

How to Cite

Natorina, A. (2019). THE ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF MARKETING COMMODITY POLICY*. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 131-136.
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marketing commodity policy, adaptive management system of marketing commodity policy, adaptive management mechanism, online retail


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