

Published: Mar 22, 2019

  Eleonora Skyba

  Maryna Polishchuk


The paper defines the main theoretical aspects of the concept of public services in Ukraine. It is substantiated the expediency of the development of a unified concept of public services as a basic document for the modern domestic rule-making process aimed at developing modern legislation on public services, which is perfect in content and effective in application, and also for the elaboration of its scientific basis – the provisions of modern national administrative-legal science. It is developed a version of the Concept of public services, its content is covered. The proposed version contains three sections: Section I “General provisions” defines the main conceptual framework, raises problems, establishes purpose, tasks, terms of implementation of the Concept of public services; Section II “Ways and methods of problems solving, terms of implementation of the Concept of public services in Ukraine” specifies particular measures that must be taken to achieve the goal and solve the problems. These measures are conditionally divided into three groups: educational measures (the process of preparation of the standards for legal education), scientific measures (research), law-making measures (statutory acts regulating the activities of actors, procedures, guarantees). Section III “Expected results of the implementation of the Concept of public services in Ukraine” proposes the main results predicted to be achieved by virtue of three abovementioned directions (groups of measures) for the implementation of the Concept’s provisions.

How to Cite

Skyba, E., & Polishchuk, M. (2019). LEGAL COMPONENT OF THE CONCEPT OF PROVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICESм. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 197-200.
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responsibility, electronic public service, control, public services, provision of public services, public services system, appeals against decisions, acts or inactivity of public authorities for provision of public services


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