

Published: Jul 31, 2019


The relevance of the study of business process management at manufacturing enterprises is determined by the presence of uncertainty and the existence of risks, in particular, structural risks. The timeliness and value of the abovementioned problem are also determined by the low level of implementation of risk management at enterprises. The provision of mechanisms for increasing the level of risk management is an extremely relevant problem of the modern economy, and the construction of risk optimization models is one of the main in the system of factors that affect the effective operation of the enterprise and the prospects for its development. The purpose of the article is to determine principles of formation and approaches to the construction of an “ideal” organizational structure of a manufacturing enterprise. The application of such principles will allow conducting effective management of a production enterprise. Methodology. Development of economic systems requires from industrial enterprises to develop new approaches to business process management, contributes to the spread of innovation in all spheres of production, forms a new image of structures, and provides their competitiveness in the domestic and world markets. An important area of research is the management of business processes of the enterprise, which will provide conditions for the development and effective operation of production enterprises on the basis of new knowledge, technologies, and effective management. The study was carried out based on the activity of PJSC “Shpolyansky Foodstuffs Plant” for 2014–2018. The practical result of the research conducted is recommendations for the implementation of the risk management system at the manufacturing enterprise, and as a stage – building an “ideal” organizational structure that will allow timely responding to the problems of risk management. Originality. Enterprises combine many business processes that carry out thousands of operations, therefore, it is relevant to develop effective approaches suitable for their detailed description, analysis of the features of operation, optimization, control, diagnosis of problem situations, and the formation of measures for their elimination, management of structural risks. This requires the creation of effective tools for solving these tasks.

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business process, economic system, risk management, organizational model of risk management system, organizational structure of enterprise, harmonization (golden ratio principle), structural risk


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