

Published: Jul 31, 2019


This article determines that in today’s conditions of doing business, the increase of profits is one of the main reasons for the emergence of social challenges, such as social insecurity, low level of solvency of most people, lack of high moral values. Today, the most important is building business relations, primarily, on the basis of implementation of moral and ethical principles that can contribute to the general welfare. So, the subject of research is the ways to ensure optimal conditions for growth of small and medium business with the using of world experience, as well as studying the main directions that realized by successful states for support of entrepreneurship. Methodology. The conducted research shows that the level of corruption in Ukraine, imperfect legislation, and volatile tax system with significant load negatively affect the activities of small and medium-sized businesses. However, availability of economic stability, favourable tax and lending rates, tangible government support testify that there are optimal terms for doing business in such countries as the USA and member states of the EU. Content analysis is carried out on materials of works of foreign and domestic scientists using Ukrainian official and statistic data provided by experts. In the process of preparing the article, the general scientific methods of research are used: logical analysis, observation, formalization, synthesis, abstraction. The goal of the study is to analyse the main peculiarities of start-up and doing of entrepreneurial activity in the format of individual world countries, which give an optimal environment and favourable conditions of development of small and medium business and are interested in attracting foreign entrepreneurs for building their business, as well as identify basic mechanisms used by governments of these countries to support equilibrium in the spatial market. Conclusions. So, the analysis of main features of launch and implementation of business in the cut of individual world countries showed that the essential task of the present is an introduction of moral laws and ethical principles into business space, which is able to ensure the optimal development of social relations. Also, it is determined that start of any business for an entrepreneur is connected, first of all, with the choice of the most attractive kind of activity, taking into account which goods and services are currently in demand by consumers. In addition, it has been discovered that today the best territory in the world for conducting business is the USA – with its powerful domestic market, honest legislation, and state support. For Ukrainians, it is appropriate to create a business in neighbouring states members of the EU, whose governments actively promote the optimal terms for foreign entrepreneurs to open own business, separately, in Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic. At the same time, it has been investigated that corruption is the main reason that hampers the development of civilized business relations in Ukraine. Imperfect legislation and unstable tax system with a significant load negatively affect the activities of small and medium companies, complicating conditions for obtaining loans, increasing risks, primarily as a result of the growth of inflation. Thus, significant government support, especially loyal attitude towards small and medium businesses under the simple conditions of attracting investors, provides opportunities for effective business development in the EU.

How to Cite

Tkachuk, O., & Khachatryan, V. (2019). WORLD SPATIAL FEATURES OF DOING BUSINESS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(2), 234-241.
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business, capital, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, business culture, right, tax allowance


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