

Published: Jun 23, 2016

  Kyrylo Ohdanskyi


An author in the article examines theoretical bases in the question of dynamics of community development. According to classic canons a dynamic process on any of levels of management hierarchy can be presented as a complex of changes of its ecological, economic and social components. For today, national politics in the field of realization of conception of community development does not take into account most theoretical works, which testify that in our country the mechanism of its effective adjusting is not yet created. In connection to this the author of the article accents the attention on the necessity of the use in modern Ukraine realities of the effective approaches to government control of community development. As the subject of research of the article the author chose the analysis of process of community development and methodological bases for the choice of variants for a management by this process. System approach is chosen by author as a research methodology. The aim. Analysis of theoretical bases and developing of the new approaches to the government administration of community development. An author divides the process of community development by constituents: social, economic and ecological components. From the indicated warning it is necessary to take into account the objective necessity of developing of the new conceptual approaches to the elaboration of tool of adjusting of community development. For the decision of this task the author of the article it is suggested to use the category “dynamics”. An author in the article does the analysis of different interpretations of term “dynamics”and offers his own interpretation in the context of community development. Our researches confirm that, mainly, it is methodologically possible to form the blocks of quantitative and quality factors of specific different information of ecological, economic and social character. Author’s researches confirm that it is methodologically possible to form the blocks of quantitative and quality factors containing specific different information of ecological, economic and social character. It is useful to apply for the simplification of process of analysis of community development and for the choice of instruments for his adjusting. Author is predisposed to that the amount of constituents in every block must be varied depending on the depth of research. An optimal amount in a range 7-11 indicators in every block is offered by the author. The obtained system will have a subjective estimation and can be used only for the decision of the concrete assigned tasks. In case of changing of accents and aims of government control of community development the structure of these blocks must be reoriented. If to talk about possibility of creation or modeling of the universal system of blocks, then her using as a standard is possible only in the developed countries, and also in case of absence of indexes for comparison. Conclusion. The author argues in the article, that the primary concern of government regulation of community development is a necessity of clear determination of orientation of development. The special attention is given to the question of study of instruments of adjusting of community development. The author makes an accent on the necessity of application of the offered developments in practice for the quality monitoring and estimation of level of community development.

How to Cite

Ohdanskyi, K. (2016). METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(1), 84-87.
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public development, dynamics, methodology, tools, integrated model.


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