

Published: Oct 29, 2019

  Nataliia Butenko

  Liudmyla Kot


The objective prerequisites for the transition from a strategy of confrontation to partnership relations in a competitive struggle for the consumer predetermine the need for a clear definition of such concepts as partnership relations and partner networks, since it is the partnership relations that provide market participants with more competitive advantages than they could have under condition of separate activities. The subject-matter of the study is a methodological solution to the problem of determining the effectiveness of establishing partnership relations and the formation of partner networks. After all, the effectiveness of the partner network can only be achieved if the effectiveness of the partnership relations is achieved. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to develop methodological approaches to determining the effectiveness of partner networks through the evaluation of partnership relations. In order to achieve this goal, the following research methods have been used in the paper: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources and scientific literature; abstract-logical method in the process of theoretical generalizations and formation of conclusions; prognostic and diagnostic; general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. As a result of the research, the methodology of constructing a morphological matrix of the effectiveness of a partner network based on integrated indicators of the sustainability and reliability of partnership relations was proposed. In order to determine the components of sustainability, a methodology for calculating the integrated value of the sustainability index of the partnership relations is proposed. Herewith, five interrelated components are taken into account that are equally important for strategizing partnership relations such as economic, marketing, social, environmental sustainability, and also the sustainability of partner networks in general. The algorithm of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the reliability of partnership relations involves seven stages. In particular, the definition of requirements for the reliability of partnership relations within a certain partner network, the definition and adjustment of the indicators of the rating system of the reliability of partnership relations and their importance for the partner network, the formation of the rating of partnership relations by the values of the generalized index of reliability, rating partners within a specific partner network by the level of reliability. Therefore, the proposed expert methodical approach to the assessment of the reliability of partnership relations involves the calculation of three characteristics of reliability (partner, production and economic activities, partner network in general) and is an applied instrument set for a new solution to the scientific and applied problem in the area of formation and development of partner relations in the economy of Ukraine in order to ensure a high level of management of them in resource constraints.

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partnership relations, partner network, reliability of partnership relations, effectiveness of partnership relations


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