

Published: Oct 29, 2019


Considering the place and role of tourism in the life of society, in the European space, it has been proclaimed one of the priority directions for the development of national culture and economy. The development of the tourism sphere in the European space will contribute to the growth of the country’s authority in the world market for tourist services, the strengthening of the country’s economy, the filling of the state budget, the growth of the well-being of citizens, the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, the enhancement of the spiritual potential of society. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the strategy of integrated development of subjects of the tourism sphere in the conditions of transformational changes of the economy on the example of Ukraine. Methodology. Legislative and regulatory documents, periodicals, statistics, and Internet resources made up the information base of the study. General and special methods are applied in the work: monographic survey, generalization, systematization, economic and statistical analysis. This made it possible to investigate the current state of development of entities of the tourism industry and the possibility of forming a strategy for their integrated development, to provide organizational recommendations for the implementation of the strategy of integrated development of subjects of the tourism industry and the criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. Results. The components of strategies of integrated development of subjects of tourism sphere are considered, namely: the strategy of ensuring economic security; financial strategy; investment strategy; innovative strategy; information strategy. The factors that cause the need to create tourist clusters to ensure the sustainable development of subjects of the tourism sector are identified, such as: instability of the national economy; features of the tourism sphere; the structure of participants in the tourist market; peculiarities of activity of small business entities. Organizational recommendations for the creation of a cluster of subjects of tourism in the following areas: the type of integration structure, the number of participants, the consistency of interests of participants, the type of activity of participants, the distribution of responsibilities between participants. The scheme of implementation of the strategy of integrated development of subjects of tourist sphere is offered, which consists of the following stages: analysis of conditions of cluster formation, definition of purpose and tasks of the cluster, identification of potential and interested participants of the cluster, assessment of the level of consistency of interests of cluster participants, definition of rules of functioning of the cluster, development and implementation of the cluster strategy, cluster performance assessment and monitoring. Practical meaning. The introduction of these results in order to ensure sustainable economic development of the subjects of the tourism sector will contribute to the growth of the country’s authority in the world market for tourist services, strengthening the country’s economy, filling the state budget, increasing the well-being of citizens, preserving the historical and cultural heritage, enhancing the spiritual potential of society. Value/originality. The author’s definition of sustainable economic development of the tourist industry entity, organizational principles of implementation of the strategy of integrated development of tourism industry subjects, methodical approaches to the evaluation of the strategy of integrated development of the tourism industry entities.

How to Cite

Kozak, Y., Derkach, T., & Huz, D. (2019). FORMING THE STRATEGY OF INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(4), 105-115.
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tourism, development, strategy, integration, sustainability


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