

Published: Oct 29, 2019

  Dmitry Yadransky

  Elena Chumak


The article is devoted to issues of social management in the context of modern industrial and economic transformations. The main purpose of the article is to formulate the author’s concept of scientific management using social mechanisms. As a hypothesis, the possibility of implementing scientific management through the use of social norming is considered. The main research methods were general scientific methods of cognition, in particular, dialectic, system, comparative analysis, as well as the induction method in developing the author’s concept. The article considers the issue of labour management in conditions of the impossibility of applying quantitative labour standards for intellectual and informational activities. The methodological basis consists of the concepts of foreign and domestic researchers regarding the scientific organization of labour. The concept of social norming is formulated, according to which, managers must ensure the existence of two types of social norms in the organization: rigid (unchanging) and flexible (the content of which varies depending on the current tasks of the organization). Based on the specifics of the labour functions of specific workers, managers can model and implement social norms that stimulate certain social changes. Conclusions. Based on the proposed approach, the nature of managerial influence is determined, which consists of two parts: development and implementation of social norms; stimulation of its fastest assimilation by all members of the labour collective.

How to Cite

Yadransky, D., & Chumak, E. (2019). SOCIAL MECHANISMS OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(4), 243-247.
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management, functions, social norms, efficiency, social requirements, goals


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