

Published: Oct 29, 2019

  Muhammad Usman Khurram

  Kashif Hamid

  Rana Shahid Imdad Akash


The specific purpose of the Developing-8 economies is to integrate the endeavours of each member countries to excel economic cooperation and facilitation among the Islamic countries to enhance the investment opportunities and not to put pressure on the geopolitical environment of the world. The purpose of this study is to visualize the market efficiency, financial integration, and shock transmission process in the D-8 Economies for the period from Jan 2011 to Dec 2016. Daily market data is taken for KSE, DSE, TSE, JCI, KLCI, ISE, EGX, and NSE equity markets. Unit Root Test, Serial Correlation Test, Runs Test, and Variance Ratio Test are used to test the market efficiency whereas Johansen Cointegration Test, Granger Causality Test, Vector Error Correction Model, and Impulse Response Test are used to test the financial integration and shock transmission. The performance of the Tehran stock market remained excellent during this study period. Mixed evidence is concluded regarding the market efficiency of D-8 equity markets. It is concluded that there exists a long-run relationship between KSE and DSE. Short-run relationship indicates that KSE has a significant positive short-run relationship with JCI and have a negative relationship with KLCI. Negative asymmetric behaviour is more influential in the negatively skewed markets and negative shocks have a greater effect than the positive shocks. Hence it is concluded that investors can get benefit from the arbitrage process due to market inefficiencies and through the short selling process. There is a need to establish economic equilibrium through the arbitrage process where investors may enjoy the opportunities to excel more economic stream of benefits by noise and market reverting behaviour. The economic integration will increase the cooperation among these economies to establish more growth opportunities in the trade and corporate investments. The implication of the studies suggests and directs to enhance mutual interface and co-operation including Banking and Finance, Human and Social Development, Energy Sector, Development of Rural Population, Science and Technology, Health and Environment, and Agriculture Sector. Moreover, there is a dire need for restructuring the economic and financial bylaws that may ease the financial liberalization and to enhance the dynamics of trading actives among the D-8 economies.

How to Cite

Khurram, M. U., Hamid, K., & Akash, R. S. I. (2019). MARKET EFFICIENCY, FINANCIAL INTEGRATION, AND SHOCK TRANSMISSION (EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM D-8 ECONOMIES). Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(4), 248-262.
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market efficiency, financial integration, shock transmission, D-8 Economies, arbitrage process


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