

Published: Dec 30, 2019

  Yevhenia Boiko

  Olena Ishchenko

  Yuliia Barabanova


It is established that maritime infrastructure is an important component of the economy of Ukraine, the effective functioning of which is a necessary factor of the determination of Ukraine as a maritime state, the sustainable development of its transport and road complex. It is proved that the efficiency of ports is of utmost importance for the economy of Ukraine, as more than 60% of the Ukrainian products are exported by sea. A more detailed analysis of the efficiency of the seaports is important not only from the commercial point of view of Ukraine as a whole and one particular seaport, but also from the point of view of economic policy in the port industry. It is proved that there is an urgent need to introduce effective and timely reforms of the maritime economy, based on the identification of a complex of factors influencing the processes of strategic development of seaports of Ukraine and aimed at improving the system of management of state-owned enterprises, taking into account world experience, upswinging state regulation of port business, improving the competitiveness of the port business, upgrading the role of maritime transport in using the potential of international transport corridors. The variants of the efficiency criterion of the seaport have been developed, allowing to evaluate the activity of the port in different conditions and to compare the activity of different ports with each other. The efficiency of the criteria is checked, their interrelation is shown and recommendations for their calculation are given. With the help of the offered criteria work efficiency of the Ukrainian and foreign ports is compared, ways of development of the Ukrainian ports are specified. An analysis of the publications and studies carried out on the topic of evaluating port performance shows that most researchers pay attention to economic evaluation criteria. Technical criteria for the port's operational efficiency are considered less frequently and in many cases are not adapted for integral assessment due to the lack of sufficient information. The main aim of the article is to compare the performance of the Ukrainian and foreign ports. Research objectives: to develop objective in-kind performance indicators for ports, allowing them to evaluate port activities in different conditions and compare the activities of different ports with each other; to check the operability of port performance indicators; to compare the performance of Ukrainian and foreign ports with each other using the proposed natural indicators.

How to Cite

Boiko, Y., Ishchenko, O., & Barabanova, Y. (2019). ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGERIAL ASPECTS OF ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF ENTERPRISES (FOR EXAMPLE, SEAPORTS). Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(5), 32-38.
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economic efficiency, efficiency ratio, economic activity, economic result, seaport


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