

Published: Dec 30, 2019

  Olga Vyshnevska

  Olena Kaliuzhna

  Inna Irtyshcheva


The main results of the research, which consist in determining the essence and features of the infrastructure provision of the agrarian market in the globalized environment, are formed. The priority of approaches in the development of logistics activities in the context of guaranteeing food security of regions and countries of the world is determined. The essence of the logistic process, strengthening the influence of the global market on the quality of agrarian products, is determined. The influence of the infrastructure provision of the agrarian market on the competitive positions of commodity producers is generalized, advantages and disadvantages in development are determined. The essence of informational logistics, its influence on the development of infrastructure provision of agricultural products market, satisfaction of consumers’ needs is investigated. The urgency of the introduction of e-commerce, which allows commodity producers to combine marketing activities with optimization of advertising costs, to ensure the efficiency and convenience of carrying out operations for the sale of agricultural products, its transportation, manage all logistics processes. It is proved that improvement of the infrastructure provision of the agrarian market of the world countries that adapts to the global market should be based on the dissemination of information opportunities, and the interaction of all participants in the process of selling agricultural products on an e-commerce basis, i.e. on cooperation of the network of producers, banking institutions, Internet providers, supermarket chains, processing enterprises, including export-oriented agricultural products, as well as regional representatives of state authorities. The combination of actions and systematical implementation of the logistical approach will reduce the level of information, production, business risks, as well as significantly increase the export opportunities of producers of agrarian products, especially in the context of the urgency of the issue of ensuring food security of the world, its regions and countries. It is stipulated that in the global market the solution of a problem should have a wide range of actions that should be directed at the ordering of economic, social and environmental interests of the world society. It is proved that improvement of the infrastructure provision of the agrarian market should be a matter of food safety and availability, considering the need to level out obvious and hidden hunger, and not only the spread of innovative technologies of production and the receipt of super-profits.

How to Cite

Vyshnevska, O., Kaliuzhna, O., & Irtyshcheva, I. (2019). INFRASTRUCTURE PROVISION OF THE AGRARIAN MARKET IN THE GLOBALIZED ENVIRONMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(5), 39-46.
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globalization, global processes, global market, electronic commerce, competitive advantages, logistics activities, infrastructure objects, market participants' interests, food security


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