

Published: Dec 26, 2019


Based on the generalization of existing conceptual approaches to the budget management understanding in the public regulation system, a conceptual approach «Entity-Relationship-Result» Management is proposed, which made it possible to reveal the main trends in the budget management development in the public regulation system, determine its structural elements, deepen the budget management essence, characterize scientific approaches to understanding the components and principles of budget management, state your own vision of its methods and classification features. From this, a conceptual semantic model of the budget management understanding in the public regulation system is developed reflecting the list of budget management components in the public regulation system, their close relationship and coherence. The purpose of the article is the development of a conceptual approach to the budget management development in the public regulation system. Theoretical and methodological principles of the budget management development in the public regulation system is a subject of investigation. Research design. Within the article, a set of general scientific and special research methods is used. When forming the conceptual categorical apparatus, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and scientific abstraction were used. Abstract-logical method was used for the generalization of theoretical foundations of budget management; system analysis was used to characterize the main components, functions, principles, techniques and budget management methods; historical-logical method, the method of induction and deduction allowed to explore the conceptual approach to understanding the importance of budget management in the public regulation system; graphical method was used to visualize the results of the study. Conclusions. Therefore, budget management is one of the tools to overcome problems, which arise in the process of formation and use of budget funds in the conditions of their scarcity. The matter of justification of optimal and effective methods and tools of effective budgetary management is important not only for Ukraine but also for other states, in particular the post-Soviet space. At the same time, the global experience does not give universal decisions on the budget management organization, since each state has its own budgetary system, peculiarities of building a budgetary system and its conceptual management approaches that can be used in the budgetary sphere (New Public Management, Good Governance, Multi-level Governance, Network Management and E-government). It is proved that, although budget management is widely used in financial science, a conceptual approach to its understanding has not been formed yet. Critical analysis of the literature has made it possible to substantiate that in the study of budget management, conceptual approaches of public administration are used, which do not allow revealing all its peculiarities in full. We have offered our own conceptual approach «Entity-Relationship-Result» Management, which made it possible to reveal the main trends in the budget management development in the public regulation system; determine its structural elements, deepen the budget management essence (a complex of interrelated functions, principles, methods, techniques and procedures used by the authorized bodies and aimed at the development and implementation of management decisions in drawing up, reviewing, approving, executing the state budget and the budgets of its territorial and administrative units to ensure efficient use of budgetary funds), offer scientific approaches to understanding the components and principles of budget management, state your own vision of its methods and classification features. This helped to build a conceptual semantic model of understanding budget management in the public regulation system. The proposed model reflects the list of budget management components in the public regulation system, their close relationship and coherence, and which are aimed at ensuring the functions performance of public authorities and local self-government bodies.

How to Cite

Melnychuk, N., & Zalyubovska, S. (2019). CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING BUDGET MANAGEMENT IN THE PUBLIC REGULATION SYSTEM. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(5), 90-99.
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budget management, budget, state regulation, public finances, budgetary funds, public regulation


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