

Published: Dec 26, 2019


The purpose of the article is to study the role of fiscal policy in the context of the development of institutional budget architectonics aimed at ensuring macroeconomic stability, boosting economic growth, strengthening human potential, improving public welfare and defining approaches to its formation in advanced and transition economies. Comparative and factor methods make it possible to cover the peculiarities of institutional environment of the formation of fiscal policy in EU countries and Ukraine in the context of the development of the institutional budget architectonics and to identify ways for its improvement. Methodology. Substantiation of the role of fiscal policy in terms of the development of institutional budget architectonics, determination of its strategic orientations are based on generalization and systematization of experience of advanced and transition economies. For this very reason, the authors analyse and assess the fiscal policy and define special aspects of the formation and implementation of its components in relevant countries. Results show that to increase the effectiveness of the fiscal policy, it is expedient to ensure its interrelation with other components of financial policy based on a combination of fiscal and motivation function. Effective institutional budget architectonics provides means for creating conditions for sustainable economic growth, achieving strategic goals of socio-economic development of the country. Significant tasks of the development of institutional budget architectonics are regulation of the ratio between direct and indirect tax revenues, the structure of budget expenditures in terms of functional, economic classifications, maintaining the budget gap and public debt at the level that contributes to the financial and economic stability of the country, taking into account economic cyclical nature. Practical implications. A feasible budget architectonics would facilitate the maintenance of macroeconomic stability and accelerate economic growth. It is expedient to carry out institutional changes of budget architectonics on the ground of dynamic interconnection of budget and macroeconomic indicators. Value/originality. Fiscal policy plays a significant part in the process of government regulation of socio-economic development of the country. Elaboration of fiscal policy approaches in the context of the development of institutional budget architectonics is an important prerequisite for improving the quality of budget planning, ensuring the strength, stability and dynamic balance of the budget system. It is advantageous to introduce adaptive institutional changes into the budget architectonics in order to accelerate economic growth. Therefore, the article covers the essence and role of institutional budget architectonics aimed at ensuring macroeconomic stability, accelerating economic growth, developing human potential, improving public welfare; it defines the approaches to its development in transition and advanced economies. The authors establish that effective fiscal policy based on feasible institutional budget architectonics provides means for creating conditions for sustainable economic growth, achieving strategic goals of socio-economic development of the country.

How to Cite

Chugunov, I., Makohon, V., & Krykun, T. (2019). FISCAL POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL BUDGET ARCHITECTONICS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(5), 197-203.
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fiscal policy, budget system, budget architectonics, budget deficit, government debt


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